Translation for "written throughout" to spanish
Translation examples
It’s a hard question, Frisch concedes, although she doesn’t know everything he’s said and written throughout his life.
Una pregunta justificada, reconoce Frisch, aunque ella no sabe lo que ha dicho y escrito a lo largo de su vida.
And of all the thoughts and poems she had written throughout her life as she tried to figure out her puzzling head there was one which I had clung to and made my own: the one I had read at the funerals of Amelia’s mother and Adam’s father.
Y entre todos los pensamientos y poemas que había escrito a lo largo de su vida para intentar comprender su desconcertante cabeza había uno al que me había aferrado, haciéndolo mío: el que había leído en los funerales de la madre de Amelia y del padre de Adam.
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