Translation for "woken" to spanish
Translation examples
He had just woken up from a druginduced sleep having ingested a high quantity of sedatives prior to the time the assault occurred.
Acababa de despertar de un letargo causado por la gran cantidad de sedantes que ingirió antes de que se produjera la agresión.
- He has just woken up.
- Se acaba de despertar.
They come to be woken up.
Vienen para despertar.
John's just woken up.
Juan acaba de despertar.
- Your mother has just woken up.
- Acaba de despertar.
You've only just woken up.
- Te acabas de despertar.
Jessie's just woken up.
Jessie se acaba de despertar.
I've just woken up.
Me acabo de despertar.
You've woken up the kid.
Despertarás al niño.
I’d only just woken up.”
Me acababa de despertar.
Perhaps Tilly should be woken?
¿Debía despertar a Tilly?
It was as if he’d woken up in a dream.
Fue como si despertara en un sueño.
The demon had woken again.
El demonio se había vuelto a despertar.
Tomorrow we will be woken by the sun.
Mañana, el sol nos despertará.
I have just now woken up.
—Pero es que me acabo de despertar.
She’d have felt if he’d woken.
Lo habría sentido si despertara.
Someone had just woken up.
Alguien acababa de despertar.
Lissa had just woken up.
Lissa se acababa de despertar.
Did you tell anyone that Snorri was supposed to be woken up today?
¿Le dijeron a alguien que se suponía que Snorri iba a despertarse hoy?
One gets the impression that the lord mayor has woken up.
Uno tiene la impresión de que el Alcalde acaba de despertarse.
- l think he's just woken up.
- Creo que acaba de despertarse.
But she cant possibly have woken up.
Pero ellos no pueden despertarse.
It is Sleeping beauty's destiny to be woken up.
El destino de la Bella Durmiente es despertarse.
Anyway, it's a nice way to be woken up.
De cualquier modo, es una hermosa manera de despertarse.
Either that or it's woken up.
- Es eso o acaba de despertarse.
-you've just woken up.
- acaba de despertarse.
She's just woken up... in severe pain.
Pero acaba de despertarse con fuertes dolores.
He had just woken up.
Acababa de despertarse.
She’d gotten it when she’d woken up.
Ella lo había encontrado al despertarse.
She must have woken up and heard something.
Debió de despertarse y oyó algo.
He sounded as if he’d just woken up.
Por la voz adiviné que acababa de despertarse.
His face gives the impression of having just woken up.
Tiene cara de acabar de despertarse.
said Julia, who had woken up again.
dijo Julia, que había vuelto a despertarse.
"She seems to have woken up," the captain replied.
—Parece que ha vuelto a despertarse —respondió el capitán.
And Ilgra felt as if woken from a dream.
Entonces Ilgra sintió como si acabara de despertarse de un sueño.
“Why couldn’t she have at least woken up for a few minutes?”
—¿Por qué no ha podido despertarse aunque fuera un minuto?
He looked dazed, as if he had just been woken.
Parecía aturdido, como si acabara de despertarse.
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