Translation for "wife-beaters" to spanish
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He was a wife-beater, an abuser of children, and an ingrate fool.
Era un maltratador de mujeres y niñas, además de un estúpido desagradecido.
Obinze had always imagined that Charlie Bombay was a wife beater.
Obinze siempre había imaginado a Charlie Bombay como un maltratador de esposas.
‘He wasn’t a wife-beater.’ The one thing Cleo would not take, from anyone, was the lie that Mark was an abuser.
—No era ningún maltratador. —Lo único que Cleo no iba a aceptar de nadie era la mentira de que Mark era un maltratador.
They still love and support and marry wife-beaters, rapists, and misogynistic trolls.
las mujeres siguen amando y apoyando a maltratadores, violadores y troles misóginos;
All week long Cousins waded through the pimps and the wife-beaters, the petty thieves.
Durante toda la semana, Cousins trataba con proxenetas y maltratadores, ladrones de poca monta.
In her head, she heard his statement differently, the refusenik part of her imagining a conversation between a wife-beater and his victim, the wife-beater vowing never to lay a finger on her and then giving her a worse thrashing the following day.
Aun así, en su cabeza la afirmación sonó diferente y su vena insumisa imaginó una conversación entre un maltratador y su victimizada mujer, en la cual el maltratador juraba no volver a ponerle la mano encima, para darle una paliza más fuerte al día siguiente.
“A wife-beater,” Rita told him. “I’m not your wife, so you can’t ever get mad and hit me.”
—Eres un maltratador —le dijo Rita—. Yo no soy tu mujer, así que no puedes cabrearte conmigo y pegarme.
Immigrants, junkies, wife beaters, other criminals—all bunched together in the same kind of concrete towers he’d grown up in.
Inmigrantes, yonquis, maltratadores, criminales en general apiñados en un tugurio parecido a aquel en que se había criado él.
If I were a wife beater she would be suffering in silence for the rest of her life and not even her fucking father would care.
Si yo fuera un maltratador, ella se pasaría el resto de la vida sufriendo en silencio y ni siquiera a su padre le importaría un carajo.
Wife beaters were given time to cool off and sent back to battered women who were too scared to press charges.
A los maltratadores se les daba un tiempo para tranquilizarse y los devolvían a sus mujeres maltratadas, que tenían demasiado miedo para poner una denuncia.
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