Translation for "whose inhabitants" to spanish
Whose inhabitants
Translation examples
Falkland Islanders were as much a people as those of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and other South American countries, whose inhabitants were principally of European or African descent.
El pueblo de las Islas Falkland en nada difiere de los pueblos de la Argentina, el Brasil, Chile y otros países de América del Sur, cuyos habitantes son de origen eminentemente europeo o africano.
Ochamchira and Gali districts, whose inhabitants had been mostly Mingrelian Georgians, were both said to be almost entirely depopulated.
Los distritos de Ochamchira y Gali, la mayoría de cuyos habitantes eran georgianos mingrelios, estaban casi totalmente despoblados.
62. He remarked that the "Serbian Republic of Krajina" (RSK) was a rural zone whose inhabitants were of a low educational level.
62. Comentó que la llamada "República Serbia de Krajina" (RSK) es una zona rural cuyos habitantes tienen un bajo nivel de educación.
The communities, whose inhabitants are Chachi Indians and Afro-Ecuadorians, have almost no electricity, water or communication infrastructure;
Estas comunidades, cuyos habitantes son indios Chachi y afroecuatorianos, casi no disponen de electricidad, agua o infraestructura de comunicaciones;
Under the doctrine, title to lands lay with the Government, whose subjects explored and occupied a territory whose inhabitants were not subjects of a European Christian monarch.
Según esa doctrina, los títulos de propiedad de las tierras correspondían al gobierno cuyos súbditos exploraban y ocupaban un territorio cuyos habitantes no eran súbditos de un monarca cristiano europeo.
This is another example of the Israeli position regarding a Palestinian city, all of whose inhabitants are Palestinians.
Ese es otro ejemplo de la posición israelí respecto de una ciudad palestina, cuyos habitantes son todos palestinos.
They also expressed the hope that an additional well could be made available for the neighbouring village, whose inhabitants had helped them considerably on arrival.
También expresaron la esperanza de que se pudiera proporcionar un pozo adicional para la aldea vecina, cuyos habitantes los habían ayudado mucho después de su llegada.
Perhaps the cruellest violations were those lately perpetrated in the occupied Palestinian territories, whose inhabitants were being harassed and expelled from their lands.
Las violaciones quizás más graves son las perpetradas últimamente en los territorios palestinos ocupados, cuyos habitantes son hostigados y expulsados de sus tierras.
However, the situation was particularly serious in Pakistani-occupied Kashmir, whose inhabitants were denied the very rights which the Pakistani Government demanded for others under Indian control.
Sin embargo, la situación resulta especialmente grave en la Cachemira ocupada por el Pakistán, a cuyos habitantes se les niegan los mismos derechos que el Gobierno del Pakistán exige para otros bajo el control de la India.
The janjaweed and Government forces had raped and abducted women and burned down hundreds of villages, thousands of whose inhabitants had fled to Chad.
Esas milicias y las fuerzas gubernamentales han violado y secuestrado a mujeres e incendiado cientos de pueblos cuyos habitantes han huido por millares al Chad.
You see, Herr von Bismarck, I... have been crowned king of an old, beautiful land, whose inhabitants are happy and peaceful. It is my sacred duty to preserve peace and happiness, and, God willing, to increase it.
Vea, señor Von Bismarck, yo... soy rey de un antiguo, hermoso país, cuyos habitantes son felices y pacíficos y considero un deber sagrado velar por esa paz y esa felicidad.
We can't be the only pebble in space whose inhabitants get their celestial groove on, you know?
No podemos ser el único guijarro en el espacio... cuyos habitantes enciendan su celestial marca.
The story concerned the fear that infects a small town whose inhabitants come face-to-face with gnome-like visitors from the depths of the Earth.
La historia trataba del miedo que se apodera de un pueblo cuyos habitantes se ven cara a cara con unos visitantes de las profundidades de la tierra.
The ambush, Che wounded, taken to La Higuera, whose inhabitants received a reward from the Bolivian government, the generals' decision to kill him transmitted to the local authorities and executed by a sub-officer that today lives under a false name.
La emboscada, el Ché herido, llevado a La Higuera, cuyos habitantes recibirían una recompensa del gobierno boliviano, la decisión del general de matarlo transmitida a las autoridades locales y ejecutada por un suboficial que ahora vive con un nombre falso.
At last the computers have located a suitable destination... a planet physically and biologically compatible with Krypton... whose inhabitants resemble ours... and whose society is based on ethical standards... which we, too, embrace in concept... if not always in deed.
Al fin, las computadoras han ubicado un destino adecuado un planeta física y biológicamente compatible con Kriptón cuyos habitantes se parecen a nosotros y cuya sociedad se basa en normas éticas a las que nosotros nos atenemos, en concepto si no siempre en los hechos.
A Sweden whose inhabitants no longer exist.
«Una Suecia cuyos habitantes ya no existen.»
The Whorl, whose inhabitants keep watch for an outsider
La Espiral, cuyos habitantes vigilan la llegada de un extraño
Atlantis, the sunken continent whose inhabitants are human but have gills like fish;
la Atlántida, el continente sumergido cuyos habitantes son humanos pero tienen agallas, como los peces;
Pacific Palisades is a district whose inhabitants seem to retire rather early.
Pacific Palisades es un distrito cuyos habitantes parecen retirarse bastante temprano.
Brynn was a native of Invidia, a land whose inhabitants were not known for their gentleness or trusting natures.
Brynn procedía de Invidia, una tierra cuyos habitantes no tenían fama de amables ni de predispuestos a la confianza.
He was now in the republic of Malla, whose inhabitants do not seem to have been interested in the Buddha’s ideas.
Se hallaba en la república de Malla, cuyos habitantes no parecieron interesarse por las ideas del Buda.
We all live with the results: balkanized communities whose inhabitants find other Americans to be culturally incomprehensible;
Estamos presenciando los resultados: comunidades balcanizadas cuyos habitantes encuentran ideológicamente incomprensibles a los demás estadounidenses;
This is a great city, whose foundations run deep, whose walls are thick, and whose inhabitants are thickheaded and vain.
Se trata de una gran ciudad cuyos cimientos alcanzan muy hondo, cuyos muros son gruesos y cuyos habitantes son testarudos y vanos.
What had once been a quarter endowed with a certain grandeur had declined into a ghetto whose inhabitants were united only by their poverty.
Lo que en su momento había sido un barrio con cierta grandeza se había convertido en un gueto cuyos habitantes tan solo tenían en común la pobreza.
The truth is that you’re alone in there, just as Palmer Eldritch is alone in the world that he has emptied of its substance and whose inhabitants all bear his stigmata.
Pero en realidad estás solo, como Palmer Eldritch en el mundo que ha vaciado de su substancia y cuyos habitantes llevan todos sus estigmas.
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