Translation for "was swimming" to spanish
Translation examples
We should all be on the same boat. However, many developing countries are still struggling behind it, swimming hard to try to catch up with it. How can we get out of this calamitous situation?
Todos deberíamos estar en el mismo barco, sin embargo, hay muchos países en desarrollo que se han quedado atrás luchando, nadando contra la corriente para tratar de alcanzarlo. ¿Cómo podemos salir de esa situación calamitosa?
100. Illustrations of sports activities do not show girls participating in sports activities (i.e. they are not shown training for a specific sport) except in some free activities (rope skipping, playing badminton, swimming in river).
100. Las ilustraciones de actividades deportivas no muestran a muchachas participando en actividades deportivas (es decir, no aparecen entrenándose para un deporte concreto), salvo en algunas actividades libres (saltando a la comba, jugando a badminton o nadando en un río).
Any State that holds to a different interpretation on this point will be swimming against the tide of human progress and international law.
El Estado que interprete esto en forma diferente estará nadando en dirección contraria a los avances del género humano y del derecho internacional.
In 2010, Marcos Díaz, a young long-distance swimmer from the Dominican Republic, under the aegis of the United Nations and working with the Dominican Republic's Ministry of Youth, decided to launch a project in which he would swim in open waters from each of the five continents in order to draw attention to the need to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and to demonstrate that, despite the distance between peoples, we are living on the same planet and must all work for this common cause.
En el 2010 el joven dominicano Marcos Díaz, nadador de ultradistancia, bajo los auspicios de las Naciones Unidas y con el apoyo del Ministerio de la Juventud de la República Dominicana, decidió embarcarse en un proyecto en el que uniría nadando en aguas abiertas los cinco continentes con la finalidad de llamar la atención sobre la necesidad de cumplir los objetivos del milenio y de demostrar que, a pesar de la distancia entre los pueblos, habitamos un mismo planeta a favor del cual todos debemos hacer causa común.
20. Twenty-five million tourists choose to holiday in the Caribbean each year, in large part in pursuit of a dream of sensuous relaxation shaped by its natural features -- palm-fringed beaches, blue-green lagoons with crystal-clear water, opportunities to see multicoloured fish swimming among coral reefs.
Todos los años, 25 millones de turistas eligen pasar las vacaciones en el Caribe, en gran medida en busca de un sueño de sensual relajación moldeada por las características naturales de la región -- playas bordeadas por palmeras, lagunas de aguas cristalinas verdes y azules y oportunidades de ver peces multicolores nadando entre los arrecifes de coral.
86. Cuba continued to swim against the tide of democracy and freedom.
86. Cuba continúa nadando contra la corriente de la democracia y la libertad.
Another woman, a defector, held in Military Security Branch 235 in late 2012, was beaten until she was "swimming in blood".
Otra mujer, una desertora, detenida en la Dependencia de Seguridad Militar 235 a finales de 2012 fue golpeada hasta quedar "nadando en sangre".
He heard his father call out for help, but, believing that he could not be of any help to him, he continued swimming.
Lo oyó pedir socorro, pero, persuadido de que no podía ayudarle, siguió nadando.
I was swimming in the Caribbean.
Estaba nadando en el Caribe
She was swimming. Swimming games.
Estaba nadando, con alguien.
Kira was swimming with sharks.
Kira estaba nadando con tiburones.
I was swimming with Mrs. Redfern!
¡Estaba nadando con la Sra. Redfern!
It was swimming all around us.
Estaba nadando alrededor nuestro.
- Well, see, I was swimming...
- Pues, mira, yo estaba nadando...
I was swimming with dolphins this morning.
Hoy estaba nadando con delfines.
- I dreamt that I was swimming.
- Soñé que estaba nadando.
She was swimming in the ocean.
Estaba nadando en el mar.
She’s swimming in it!
¡Está nadando en ella!
We’re all swimming.
Estamos todos nadando.
There was something swimming in it.
Había algo nadando dentro de ella.
Swimming to and fro.
Nadando de un lado a otro.
Nobody was swimming.
No había nadie nadando.
Nicole was swimming, with difficulty.
Estaba nadando, con dificultad.
Liza was already swimming.
Liza ya estaba nadando.
“They should try to swim!”
—¡Que escapen nadando!
The dead were swimming.
Los muertos estaban nadando.
2. At that time, I was swimming against the tide of conventional thinking.
2. En ese momento, nadaba contra la corriente del pensamiento convencional.
And there I was, swimming' and swimming'... diving' under and around Yankee gunboats.
Y yo nadaba y nadaba... esquivando los barcos yanquis.
I was swimming in the deep.
Nadaba en las profundidades.
He was swimming in desire.
Nadaba en el deseo.
I was the trout swimming.
Yo era la trucha y nadaba.
The cabin was swimming in smoke.
La cabina nadaba en humo.
Favieros was swimming in money.
Favieros nadaba en la pasta.
“Did she go swimming even then?”
—¿Ya nadaba entonces?
I was swimming in the fucking blood.
Nadaba en la jodida sangre.
I was swimming in acid bliss.
nadaba en una felicidad ácida.
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