Translation examples
She began to knot and unknot the ends of her belt cord, slowly, as she spoke.
Mientras hablaba, lentamente, comenzó a anudar y a desanudar los extremos de su cinturón de cuerda.
“Everybody has a choice,” retorted Bogart, who was looking distraught. His tie was unknotted, his shirt wrinkled, and his hair mussed.
—Todo el mundo puede elegir —retrucó Bogart, consternado. Llevaba la corbata sin anudar y el pelo revuelto.
He was dressed in a black silk suit with his tie unknotted, like he’d just come back from a funeral or possibly a convention for really gorgeous undertakers.
Iba vestido con un traje de seda negro, con la corbata sin anudar como si regresara de un funeral, o posiblemente de una convención de enterradores guapísimos.
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