Translation for "unchewed" to spanish
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For a moment she sat there, perfectly still, the food in her mouth unchewed.
Se quedó sentada un instante, completamente inmóvil, sin masticar la comida que tenía en la boca.
Everyone looked at me, wide-eyed, some of them with unchewed food in their mouths.
Todos me miraron con ojos abiertos, algunos, con la comida sin masticar cayéndoseles de la boca.
His mouth was half-open, and I could see two unchewed beans inside.
En su boca entreabierta, se veían dos judías a medio masticar.
If he occasionally found himself chewing something that was, in fact, unchewable, he would simply spit it out.
Si se topaba con algo que no podía masticar, no hacía más que escupirlo.
When it started, their heads snapped up. They listened to the whistling, forks in midair, unchewed food in their mouths.
Al oír el sonido, levantaban la cabeza como un resorte y lo escuchaban con el tenedor en el aire y sin masticar.
No, Aeroman be gonna proteck me forever, thought Dylan, swallowing unchewed chunks of pizza defiantly.
«No, Aeroman va a estar para protegerme siempre», pensó Dylan, tragándose trozos de pizza sin masticar con aire desafiante.
“I have an answer,” the heavy man said, his accent like a morsel of unchewed food in his mouth.
—Tengo una réplica —dijo el hombre grueso, con un acento como si hablara con un trozo de comida sin masticar en la boca.
the man replied, smiling to reveal a mash of unchewed bread. “Still miss it sometimes.” “Do you have a family?”
—respondió el hombre, revelando al sonreír un amasijo de pan sin masticar—, aún lo echo a veces de menos. —¿Tienes familia?
An awful, achy sensation centered in her chest, reminding her of the time she’d accidentally swallowed an unchewed mouthful of apple.
Una terrible sensación de dolor se concentró en su pecho, recordándole la ocasión en que tragó sin querer un bocado de manzana sin masticar.
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