Translation for "two teeth" to spanish
Two teeth
Translation examples
Those perceived as not obeying the official line are reportedly sent to camps and subjected to degrading treatment such as the shaving of one half of their mustache, shaving of their hair on only one side of the head or pulling out of one or two teeth.
Los que no se mantienen fieles a la línea oficial son enviados a campamentos y sometidos a humillaciones; por ejemplo, les afeitan la mitad del bigote, les rapan la cabeza entera o sólo la mitad o les sacan uno o dos dientes.
Gedevan Gelbakhiani, a doctor in his sixties, was reportedly arrested in October 1992 in Tbilisi and brought to the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, whereupon members of the paramilitary group known as the "Mkhedrioni" allegedly beat him and knocked out two teeth.
292. Gedevan Gelbakhiani, médico de más de 60 años de edad, fue presuntamente detenido en octubre de 1992 en Tbilisi y conducido ante el Ministro Adjunto de Interior, donde miembros del grupo paramilitar conocido como los "Mkhedrioni" los habrían golpeado y arrancado dos dientes a puñetazos.
According to relatives and lawyers his corpse bore clear signs of torture; his stomach, chest and neck were severely bruised, two teeth were missing and blood was coming from his mouth, nose, ears and genitals.
Según algunos parientes y abogados, su cadáver presentaba evidentes huellas de tortura: tenía el estómago, el pecho y el cuello muy magullados, le faltaban dos dientes y le manaba sangre de la boca, nariz, orejas y genitales.
His wife and daughter, who saw him before he died, said he had bruises over his body and face, had lost two teeth, and was vomiting blood.
Su mujer y su hija, que lo vieron antes de que falleciera, dijeron que tenía contusiones en el cuerpo y en el rostro, que había perdido dos dientes y vomitaba sangre.
She only has two teeth.
Solo tiene dos dientes.
We found, uh, two teeth.
Encontramos, uh, dos dientes.
I really cracked two teeth?
¿Te fracturé dos dientes?
All you needed was two teeth?
¿Solo te hicieron falta dos dientes?
Two teeth, come on.
Dos dientes, vamos.
- Two teeth out this morning.
- Me sacaron dos dientes.
He lost two teeth that day.
Perdió dos dientes ese día.
Missing two teeth, broken jaw.
Sin dos dientes y la mandíbula rota.
With his two teeth
Con sus dos dientes...
Two-teeth maximum.
Dos dientes, como mucho.
He only had two teeth.
Solo tenía dos dientes.
Those two teeth will have to come out.
Esos dos dientes habrá que sacarlos.
Two teeth had broken off at the gum.
Tenía dos dientes rotos.
“I had two teeth pulled yesterday.”
—Me sacaron dos dientes ayer.
‘I’ve lost two teeth, that’s all.’
—No, solo he perdido dos dientes, nada más.
I'm short two teeth because of you."
Me faltan dos dientes por tu culpa.
'Two teeth survived.’ Priad said.
Dos dientes se salvaron —dijo Priad.
She lost two teeth and went to an emergency dentist.
Ella perdió dos dientes y fue a un dentista de urgencias.
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