Translation for "took away" to spanish
Translation examples
They took away my identity.
Se llevaron mi identidad.
- They took away his film.
-Se llevaron su película.
They took away my possessions.
Se llevaron mis pertenencias.
It took away her immortality.
Se llevaron su inmortalidad.
They took away her computer.
Se llevaron su ordenador.
They took away my feelings
Se llevaron mis sentimientos.
- They took away Maartje.
- Se llevaron a Maartje.
"Took away your life."
"Se llevaron su vida."
"Took away my life."
"Se llevaron mi vida".
- They took away my film.
-Se llevaron mi película.
then they took away their candles and table.
y ellas se llevaron la mesa y los cirios.
At Potopotawoc they took away my typewriter.
En Potopotawoc se llevaron mi máquina de escribir.
They searched the house and took away some things.
Registraron la casa y se llevaron algunas cosas.
New York and Hollywood took away the artists.
Nueva York y Hollywood se llevaron a los artistas.
Some men took away their corpses in a squeaky wheelbarrow.
Unos hombres se llevaron los cadáveres en una carretilla chirriante.
Before daybreak they took away the women and Juan Vitta.
Antes del amanecer se llevaron a las mujeres y a Juan Vitta.
- Yes, Tiger of Malaysia. He took away weapons and ammunition.
—Sí, Tigre de Malasia, Se llevaron las armas y las municiones.
“Those helicopters,” he said. “The ones that took away the bodies, and the injured.”
—Aquellos helicópteros, los que se llevaron los cadáveres y a los heridos…
They took away his taps and left all his dishes dirty.
Se llevaron los grifos y le dejaron todos los platos sucios.
They found little of value, and took away what they did find.
No encontraron gran cosa de valor, y se llevaron todo lo que hallaron.
But they took away my other clothes!
—¡Pero me han quitado mis otras ropas!
Like for candy they took away.
Como si me hubieran quitado un dulce.
They took away my right to bathe.
Me han quitado el derecho a bañarme.
And he took away my Sunday allowance.
Y me ha quitado la propina del domingo.
You’re a boy whose toys Father took away.”
Eres un niño al que su padre le ha quitado los juguetes.
I think it was the accident that took away his appetite.
—Me parece que lo que le ha quitado el apetito ha sido el accidente.
No, my lady, I only took away her pain.
—No, milady, solo le he quitado el dolor.
He was boxing after you took away the poetry.
Era el boxeo, una vez que le has quitado toda la poesía.
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