Translation for "to stand in for" to spanish
Translation examples
The State must stand in for civil society when the latter falters while at the same time promoting its development.
El Estado está llamado a sustituir a la sociedad civil cuando ésta falla, favoreciendo al mismo tiempo su surgimiento.
However, there were long-standing objections to its replacement by a system requiring only registration with the authorities.
No obstante, hay resistencias de larga data a sustituir ese sistema por otro que sólo exija inscribirse en el registro de las autoridades.
The Security Council did not try to supplant the will of the parties to the long-standing Guatemalan conflict.
El Consejo de Seguridad no pretendió sustituir la voluntad de las partes en el largo conflicto guatemalteco.
She may even stand in for her husband as head of the family if he is absent or incapacitated.
Puede incluso sustituir al marido como jefe de familia en caso de ausencia, distanciamiento o incapacidad de éste.
Nobody will stand in for me.
—Nadie me sustituirá.
“Like being a stand-in for Miller?”
—¿Como el de sustituir a Miller?
This fellow was to stand in for the executioner’s normal assistant.
Este hombre iba a sustituir al ayudante habitual del verdugo.
It is too dull to stand in for the histories and identities of the Jews.
Es demasiado gris para sustituir a las historias y las identidades de los judíos.
Now, for the time being, I am intended to stand in for the mighty on their thrones.
Ahora, de momento, se supone que tengo que sustituir a los poderosos en sus tronos.
“But Raphael was going to stand in for the representative,” Simon protested, alarmed.
—Pero Raphael iba a sustituir al representante —protestó Simon, alarmado—.
Eventually two men agreed to stand in for the executioner and his assistant.
Al final, hubo dos hombres que accedieron a sustituir al verdugo y a su ayudante.
She reminded him of Lissa's importance and offered to stand in for Serena for a few minutes.
Ella le recordó la importancia de Lissa y se ofreció para sustituir a Serena por unos minutos.
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