Translation for "to hand in" to spanish
Translation examples
They pleaded not to be handed over to the Serbs, but to no avail.
Instaron infructuosamente a que no se les entregara a los serbios.
The contracting States are not obliged to hand over their own nationals.
Los Estados contratantes no están obligados a entregar a sus nacionales.
They only have to surrender and hand over their weapons”.
Lo único que tenían que hacer era rendirse y entregar sus armas”.
Refusal to apprehend and hand over wanted genocidal criminals
Negativa a aprehender y entregar a criminales genocidas buscados
Hand over accounts to the Accounts Division
Entregar las cuentas a la División de Contaduría General
(b) on handing over the charge of the prisoners; and
b) Al entregar presos al cuidado de otros; y
Obligation to hand over documents
Obligación de entregar documentos
“I’ll hand it in at the desk.
–Lo entregaré en recepción.
I will deliver it by hand.
La entregaré en persona.
I came here all the way from Cornwall to hand-deliver this envelope, and hand-deliver it I shall.
He venido desde Cornualles para entregar en mano este sobre, y en mano lo entregaré.
Before I handed it over.
Antes de entregar la cinta.
“Going to hand something in, is he?”
—Parecería que fuera a entregar algo.
Ill hand it over to Widick.
Se lo entregaré a Widick.
“I shall hand it to him personally.”
–Se lo entregaré personalmente.
‘I’ll hand myself over to the authorities.’
—Me entregaré a las autoridades.
“They were going to hand us over.” “Why not?”
—Nos iban a entregar. —¿Y por qué no?
The plaintiff shall make application to the president of the court which handed down the decision to be enforced.
El demandante presentará un requerimiento al presidente del tribunal que haya dictado la ejecutoria.
Before the submission of any defence the tribunal handed down its award in favour of the plaintiff.
Antes de que se presentara esa argumentación, el tribunal arbitral dictó un laudo en favor del demandante.
The conclusion of such inquiry shall be handed over to the Attorney General for further investigation and prosecution.
La conclusión de dicha averiguación se presentará al Fiscal General a los fines de una investigación más a fondo y el procesamiento.
Once a decision had been handed down, they had the right to file an appeal.
Una vez se ha emitido el fallo, tienen derecho a presentar una apelación.
Meanwhile, the authority to prosecute is in the hands of the public prosecutor who will present the case to the relevant court.
La facultad de iniciar actuaciones está en manos del fiscal, quien presentará el caso ante el tribunal competente.
(a) On the one hand, it establishes a time limit for raising objections.
a) De una parte, establece el plazo de prescripción de la facultad de presentar objeciones.
On the other hand, it is true that it does not cover every case that may occur.
En cambio, es exacto que no abarca todas las hipótesis que pueden presentares.
The burden of bringing evidence thereof falls however on the buyer, who in the case at hand failed to bring such evidence.
Sin embargo, la carga de presentar pruebas al respecto recae en el comprador, quien, en este caso, no las presentó.
‘You’ll hand in your notice.
Presentarás tu renuncia.
"At least I won't come in empty-handed.
Al menos no me presentaré allí con las manos vacías.
Mum thinks you’re going to hand in your notice.’
Mamá piensa que vas a presentar la renuncia.
What took so long was that I had to hand in Alan's reading list, too."
He tardado tanto porque también he tenido que presentar la lista de lecturas de Alan.
"We're only handing in our reports," Rothen told him.
—Solo vamos a presentar nuestro informe —le dijo Rothen—.
But Scile suddenly announced to me that he was not going to hand in his thesis.
Pero de pronto Scile me anunció que no iba a presentar su tesis.
Poor Mr Pearson was forced to hand in his resignation.
El pobre señor Pearson se vio obligado a presentar la dimisión.
He said, "Elena, I've decided it's time to hand in my resignation."
—Elena, he decidido que es hora de presentar mi dimisión —dijo.
She strode forward, hand extended, to offer her credentials.
Avanzó a grandes zancadas con la mano extendida, para presentar sus credenciales.
If there should be such a bill I will hand it to you when next we meet.
Si se los pago, le presentaré la factura la próxima vez que nos veamos.
Further, the copy of the Protocol, together with the list of rights, should be handed to the arrestee.
Además, un ejemplar del protocolo, junto con la lista de derechos, debe entregarse al detenido.
If destruction is not ordered, the drug shall be handed over to the Judicial Inquiry Agency for safe keeping and subsequent destruction.
De no ordenarse la destrucción, la droga deberá entregarse al OIJ para la custodia y posterior destrucción.
These products must not be offered for sale or handed over to consumers for individual use or offered for sale and handed over or used commercially.
Estos productos no deberán ofrecerse para la venta ni entregarse a los consumidores para uso individual, ni ofrecerse para la venta, entregarse ni utilizarse comercialmente.
Such a weapon must immediately be handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Esas armas deberán entregarse sin dilación al Ministerio del Interior de Turkmenistán.
All ammunition must be handed in to the competent authorities by the end of 2009.
Todas las municiones deben entregarse a las autoridades competentes antes de finales de 2009.
- Those who are to be handed over to the authorities of another State in conformity with a bilateral convention;
- deben entregarse a las autoridades de un Estado, de conformidad con un convenio bilateral;
What documents must be handed over is generally provided for in the contract, more so, when the contract has incorporated one of the Incoterms.
Generalmente se estipula en el contrato qué documentos han de entregarse, sobre todo cuando el contrato ha incorporado uno de los Incoterms.
As instructed, he told the militants to surrender, that ICRC was present and they could hand themselves over.
Tal como se le indicó, les dijo a los militantes que se rindieran, que el CICR estaba presente y que podían entregarse.
The packs containing medicines may be handed over to a foreigner only with a doctor's consent;
Los paquetes que contengan medicamentos podrán entregarse a la persona solo con el consentimiento de un médico.
One of the ways to force suspects to hand themselves over to Israeli forces was to threaten their spouses and sisters with rape.
Una forma de obligar a los sospechosos a entregarse a las fuerzas israelíes era amenazar con violar a sus esposas y hermanas.
However, heavy weapons must be handed over.
Pero las armas pesadas deberán entregarse.
Did they think he was going to come out and hand himself over?
¿Suponían que iba a sucumbir y entregarse?
they said the gold must be handed over at once.
decían que el oro debía entregarse de inmediato.
How to give themselves into the hands of the law and not be accused of murders known and unknown.
Cómo entregarse a la Policía sin que los acusaran de asesinatos conocidos y desconocidos.
If he’s not dead I can’t even be bothered to hand him over, you can shoot him dead.’
Si no está muerto ni quiere entregarse, acaben con él a tiros.
Only that the gold, sir, could be handed to Senor Moreno, or one of my Lieutenants.
—Sólo que el oro, señor, podría entregarse al señor Moreno o a uno de mis tenientes.
They ought to be brave enough to hand themselves over and to confront the fate that they have so recklessly tempted.
Deberían tener el valor de entregarse y de afrontar la suerte que temerariamente desafiaron.
If he wants to see his wife and children free again then he will have to hand him over and be tried.
Si desea ver en libertad a su mujer y sus hijos tendrá que entregarse para que se le juzgue.
He has decided to hand himself over to his brother, as long as nothing is done to you and your family.
—Ha decidido entregarse a discreción, siempre que vos y vuestra familia quedéis a salvo.
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