Translation for "throat-clearing" to spanish
Translation examples
A half-suppressed throat-clearing.
Un carraspeo a medio contener.
There was coughing, throat clearing, whining.
Sonaban toses, carraspeos, gemidos.
Galdone rumbled his throat clear to speak.
Galdone carraspeó estentóreamente.
He turned around at the sound of a throat clearing.
Giró en redondo al oír un carraspeo.
The clinking of the spoon in the teacup, or the throat cleared.
El tintineo de la cucharilla en la taza de té o un breve carraspeo.
A few nervous laughs and throat clearings ensued.
Algunas risas nerviosas y carraspeos siguieron a sus palabras.
His brisk and ironic throat-clearing is eloquent in itself.
Su brioso e irónico carraspeo es elocuente por sí solo.
she felt only exhaustion at their hemming and throat-clearing.
a ella simplemente la agotaban tantos titubeos y carraspeos.
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