Translation for "throaty" to spanish
Translation examples
Nice throaty little warble from the engine.
Bonito gorjeo gutural del motor.
She had this throaty, sexy kind of whisper.
Era como una especie de susurro sexy muy gutural.
- The grandfather had a throaty voice on the phone.
El abuelo tenía una voz gutural en el teléfono.
She called back, "I'm in my room"... in this strange, throaty voice.
Llamó de nuevo, "Estoy en mi habitación" ... en este extraño, voz gutural.
I think her voice is really sexy, especially that throaty laugh of hers.
Especialmente la gutural risa de ella.
It gives it this really cool throaty sound.
Le da ese sonido gutural tan guay.
With a guttural roar here And a throaty rumble there...
Con un gruñido gutural aquí... y un sonido afónico allí...
She gave it the works, the throaty laugh, moist lips...
Ella le dio las obras, la risa gutural y los labios húmedos ...
The sound of Max's throaty rumble as we advanced up the driveway announced that he was on duty.
El sonido gutural de sus truenos a medida que avanzábamos por el camino anunciaba que estaba de servicio.
I didn't know I had a throaty laugh.
No sabía que tenía una risa gutural. Asi es.
A throaty chuckle.
Una carcajada gutural.
It was loud and throaty;
Su llanto era sonoro y gutural;
There was a throaty chuckle.
Sonó una risa gutural.
A rattling, throaty sound.
Un sonido gutural y cavernoso.
Her voice was throaty.
La voz le sonó gutural:
she asked in throaty English.
—preguntó en un inglés gutural.
His voice was a throaty purr.
Su voz era un runrún gutural.
Her voice was low and throaty.
-Tenía la voz baja y gutural-.
The throaty voice flickered away.
La voz gutural se desvaneció.
I'm not whispering. I'm just – I'm – I'm throaty. I'm excited.
No hablo en voz baja, estoy ronco.
Throaty, almost flinty.
Es ronca, casi despiadada.
There was a low, throaty chuckle.
Se escuchó una risita ronca.
The voice was throaty and snarled.
—La voz era ronca y áspera.
Then the chuffing, the throaty steam.
Luego el bufido, el ronco vapor.
There was a throaty bellow of approval.
Se oyó un ronco bramido de aprobación.
She gave a throaty laugh.
Ella soltó una risa ronca.
Her voice was throaty and deep.
Su voz era ronca y profunda.
Tigris gives a throaty cackle.
Tigris da una ronca carcajada.
Blackburn gave a throaty chortle.
Blackburn soltó una carcajada ronca.
he murmured in his throaty baritone.
—murmuró con su ronco barítono—.
She was all throaty and husky soundin’.
Sonaba ronca y profunda.
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