Translation for "they slaughtered" to spanish
Translation examples
37. On 21 and 22 June, the terrorists in Rogatica brutally killed over 100 old men, women and children, slaughtered them, burning them alive, running them over by tanks and troop carriers.
37. Los días 21 y 22 de junio, los terroristas mataron brutalmente en Rogatica a más de 100 ancianos, mujeres y niños, degollándolos, quemándolos vivos, aplastándolos con tanques y vehículos militares.
At the same time, valuables were looted and cattle slaughtered.
Al mismo tiempo robaron objetos de valor y mataron ganado.
Another equally famous gorilla at the Virunga National Park, Ninja, was slaughtered in the same way, while yet another, Mushamuka, was killed in the Kahuzi-Biega Park.
En el parque de Virunga, mataron a otro gorila igualmente célebre llamado Ninja, lo mismo ocurrió con otro ejemplar llamado Mushamuka en el parque de Kahuzi-Biega.
Loyalist Congolese army troops under the command of General Mbuza Mabe slaughtered at least 4 Banyamulenge (16 others are reported to have disappeared) and wounded at least 9 more, forcing the rest to flee, as well as killing 2 nonBanyamulenge civilians and ransacking houses.
Las FARDC leales, al mando del General Mbuza Mabe, dieron muerte con crueldad a al menos 4 banyamulenge (otros 16 presuntamente han desaparecido) y dejaron heridos a al menos 9, haciendo huir a los demás, mataron a 2 civiles no banyamulenge y saquearon varias casas.
Like they slaughtered Jonathan.
Como mataron a Jonathan.
They slaughtered twenty-six people -
Mataron salvajemente a veintiséis personas…
Sacked the place and slaughtered everyone there.
Saquearon el lugar y mataron a su población por completo.
“All the roosters were slaughtered for the wedding,” said Bashe.
—Los mataron a todos para la boda —explicó Bashe.
I have no kin back in the village. All slaughtered.
—En el pueblo no me quedaba ningún pariente. Los mataron a todos.
Why not just slaughter us from the start and be done with it?
¿Por qué no nos mataron al principio y se quitaron el problema de encima?
"They slaughtered twenty-six people, fuckin' innocent people!
¡Mataron salvajemente a veintiséis personas inocentes!
We went down to the post below, where a sheep was slaughtered;
Bajamos al puesto y allí mataron una oveja;
They slaughtered Stefanovic’s best racehorse, Tima Efes.
Mataron al mejor caballo de carreras de Stefanovic, Timba Efes.
On 18 October 1995, about 15 alleged Sendero Luminoso terrorist criminals carrying firearms entered Aurahua, called the local people together, attempted to convert them to their cause and inquired about teachers who were giving classes there. They also slaughtered animals for their own consumption.
El 18 de octubre, aproximadamente 15 presuntos delincuentes terroristas de Sendero Luminoso, provistos de armas de fuego, incursionaron en la localidad de Aurahua, reuniendo a la población, realizando proselitismo e indagando sobre docentes que dictan clases en el lugar; asimismo, sacrificaron reses para su consumo.
They burned their crops and slaughtered their livestock.
Incendiaron las cosechas y sacrificaron el ganado.
Trained pigeons were slaughtered.
Se sacrificaron todas las palomas amaestradas.
Eleven thousand animals were slaughtered.
Se sacrificaron once mil animales.
Then they slaughtered a pig for everyone to eat.
Sacrificaron entonces a un cerdo y prepararon comida para todos.
The two pigs were slaughtered, and over half the doves killed and plucked.
Sacrificaron los dos cerdos y la mitad de las palomas.
A calf was slaughtered, and Owen Murphy directed the outdoor roasting.
Sacrificaron un ternero y Owen Murphy dirigió los asados a la parrilla.
We are eating through the ham and bacon of the pig slaughtered last month.
Estamos acabando con el jamón y la panceta del cerdo que sacrificaron el mes pasado.
Well, they were well-fed by the space-calf that had masqueraded as a rock until they had slaughtered it.
Bueno, estaban bien alimentados por el becerro espacial que se había disfrazado de roca hasta que ellos lo sacrificaron.
When he turned twenty-five, he got slaughtered in a big ceremony, mummified like a king, and put down here.
Al cumplir los veinticinco, lo sacrificaron con gran pompa, lo momificaron y lo bajaron hasta aquí.
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