Translation for "they plucked" to spanish
Translation examples
his creditors plucked every feather.
sus acreedores lo desplumaron.
They plucked them and roasted them on their hatpins and said they were pretty good.
Las desplumaron y las asaron en las agujas de esos mismos sombreros… Dijeron que no estaban nada mal.
A veritable flock of chickens were killed and plucked, stuffed with bread, meat, and three kinds of old wine, and set to roasting in the common oven.
Mataron todo un gallinero de pollos, los desplumaron, los rellenaron con pan, carne y tres clases de vino añejo y los pusieron a asar en el horno común.
They tore away his clothes, his hair, his skin from his body, they plucked him, they drove their claws and teeth into his flesh, they attacked him like hyenas.
Le rasgaron las ropas, le arrancaron cabellos, la piel del cuerpo, lo desplumaron, clavaron sus garras y dientes en su carne, cayeron sobre él como hienas.
To save fuel, they hastily plucked the penguin, they removed the fat to feed the fire with it, and hung it over the embers with a piece of rope, they put it to roast, turning it over, turning it over and stirring it.
Por economizar el combustible, desplumaron precipitadamente el pingüino, le sacaron la grasa para alimentar con ella el fuego, y colgándolo sobre el rescoldo con un pedazo de cuerda, le pusieron a asar, volteándolo, volviéndolo y revolviéndolo.
His claws plucked at the tatters and pulled them away.
Sus garras arrancaron los andrajos, arrojándolos lejos.
Handfuls of grass were plucked and thrown over shoulders.
Todos arrancaron puñados de hierba y los arrojaron por encima del hombro.
The tardy plucked handfuls of their spines and lifted Cutter and his comrades.
Los tardíos se arrancaron las espinas de las manos y levantaron a Cutter y a sus camaradas.
Cold white hands plucked the boy from the saddle and tossed him into a corner.
Frías manos blancas arrancaron al muchacho de la montura y lo arrojaron a un rincón.
They climbed down to the little rock shrine, and as they returned they plucked the wild flowers along the way.
Descendieron hasta el pequeño altar de roca y arrancaron flores silvestres en el trayecto.
Throughout the transformation, we continue to draw matter and nutrients from the tree we were plucked from.
Durante todo el proceso de transformación continuamos extrayendo materia y nutrientes del árbol del que nos arrancaron.
It was then that Titus gasped, and as he did so was plucked back from the corner by the two men behind him.
En ese momento, Titus ahogó una exclamación y los dos hombres lo arrancaron al instante de la esquina.
The chain teeth caught in the pole and plucked it from my hands, throwing it up ten metres into the air.
Los dientes de la sierra atraparon el mástil y me lo arrancaron de las manos, arrojándolo diez metros por los aires.
Not till a year later had they plucked out her eyes and he had been there remembering the moment, the feel of the flesh.
No fue hasta un año después cuando le arrancaron los ojos, y él había estado presente, recordando el momento, la sensación de la piel.
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