Translation for "they kicked" to spanish
Translation examples
He was allegedly kicked and beaten by soldiers and then finally shot dead.
Según se afirma, los soldados lo patearon y lo golpearon y después lo remataron a tiros.
The officers also allegedly jumped upon his body and kicked him.
Los agentes lo patearon y saltaron sobre él.
At City police station he was allegedly kicked and beaten with sticks by about 20 officers.
En la comisaría de la ciudad unos 20 policías le patearon y apalearon.
They allegedly beat and kicked both the husband and wife.
Según parece golpearon y patearon a la pareja.
For this reason, the troops reportedly beat and kicked him to death.
Por esa razón los soldados al parecer lo golpearon y lo patearon hasta dejarlo muerto.
A violent struggle followed, during which he was allegedly kicked in the head with great force.
Se produjo un violento forcejeo, durante el cual le patearon fuertemente en la cabeza.
During and subsequent to his arrest, he was reportedly kicked and beaten severely by police officers.
Durante su detención y posteriormente, unos policías lo patearon y golpearon duramente.
The four attackers surrounded the pool, kicking him in the head and body.
Los cuatro agresores rodearon la piscina y patearon al estudiante en la cabeza y el cuerpo.
As she was laid down naked on the floor they both kicked her and abused her verbally.
Mientras la mujer yacía desnuda en el suelo, ambos la patearon y la insultaron.
During the journey and upon their arrival at the airport they were reportedly beaten with rifle butts and kicked.
Durante el viaje y a su llegada al aeropuerto presuntamente los golpearon con las culatas de los rifles y los patearon.
I have two black belts, and they kicked my ass.
Tengo dos cinturones negros, y ellos patearon mi trasero.
they kicked the same instant.
patearon al mismo tiempo.
The cows plunged and kicked.
Las vacas se agitaron y patearon.
Her legs kicked at the snow.
Sus piernas patearon la nieve.
He was kicked until he lay still.
Lo patearon hasta que se quedó inmóvil.
Milling about in the dark and kicking me too.
Salieron en la oscuridad y me patearon también.
Until he was kicked sharply in the ribs. ‘Get up!
Hasta que le patearon las costillas. —¡Arriba!
Did you kick yourself back?
¿Patearon ustedes mismos su vuelta?
His legs kicked out at the stack of chairs.
Las piernas patearon una pila de sillas.
They kicked me, beat me with rifle butts.
Me patearon, me golpearon con la culata de un rifle.
He was repeatedly kicked, pinched, reviled;
Repetidas veces lo patearon, pellizcaron y vilipendiaron;
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