Translation for "they intimidated" to spanish
Translation examples
Many complained of being brought to the IML by their torturers and allegedly intimidated and threatened during transport.
Muchos se quejaron de que sus mismos torturadores los llevaron al instituto y los intimidaron y amenazaron en el trayecto.
They threatened and intimidated the villagers and extorted money from the families.
Amenazaron e intimidaron a los aldeanos y sacaron dinero a las familias.
It was reported that the Israeli security forces intimidated the voters by deploying in very large numbers around the polling stations.
Se informó de que las fuerzas de seguridad israelíes intimidaron a los votantes mediante el despliegue de gran número de fuerzas en torno a los centros electorales.
They threatened and intimidated the villagers and extorted money from them.
Amenazaron e intimidaron a los aldeanos y les sacaron dinero.
44. There were several incidents in which local authorities harassed and intimidated Radio Okapi journalists.
Se produjeron varios incidentes en que las autoridades locales hostigaron e intimidaron a periodistas de Radio Okapi.
They entered the village of Balik at the geographic coordinates of PE1200026000 of Ney and while threatening and intimidating the villagers, they extorted money from them.
Ingresaron a la aldea de Balik por las coordenadas geográficas PE1200026000 de Ney, amenazaron e intimidaron a los aldeanos y les sacaron dinero.
They threatened, intimidated and harassed the authors and caused damage to some of their property.
Amenazaron, intimidaron y hostigaron a los autores y causaron daños a algunos de sus bienes.
Zimurinda sent at least 15 armed escorts, who intimidated the border police.
Zimurinda despachó por lo menos a 15 escoltas armados, que intimidaron a la policía de fronteras.
Using several types of machine gun, they then intimidated the locals and farmers who were harvesting their produce nearby.
Con varios tipos de ametralladoras intimidaron a los habitantes de la granja y los agricultores que estaban recogiendo sus cosechas en los campos cercanos.
He states that, during his interrogation, he was deprived of food and sleep and subjected to intimidation by being forced to witness other detainees being tortured.
El autor declara que durante su interrogatorio lo privaron de alimentos y de sueño y lo intimidaron haciendo que presenciara escenas de tortura.
They intimidated me into just ignoring it.
Me intimidaron e hicieron que lo ignorase.
The other dogs were not intimidated.
Los demás perros no se intimidaron.
and he was not intimidated by the older boys because he was smarter.
No le intimidaron los de más edad porque era más inteligente.
          He was not intimidated by the bigger boys because he had always been smaller;
No le intimidaron los chicos más grandes porque siempre había sido más pequeño.
She claimed to be certain that Quincy had been with her, but on the stand she was intimidated and not credible.
Afirmó que Quincy estaba con ella, pero en el estrado la intimidaron y no resultó creíble.
Rebeca and Amaranta, serving the table, were intimidated by the way in which the angelic man with pale and ringless hands manipulated the utensils.
Rebeca y Amaranta, sirviendo la mesa, se intimidaron con la fluidez con que manejaba los cubiertos aquel hombre angélico de manos pálidas y sin anillos.
She was so passionate she seemed almost angry, and her beauty, the physical perfection of her dark body, intimidated him, but not for long.
Tal era su apasionamiento que casi parecía furiosa, y su belleza, la perfección física de aquel cuerpo moreno, lo intimidaron, pero no por mucho tiempo.
Contrary to their fears, Philip Bertie Lawrence, Seaford Greenwich, and Stanley Sealy were not intimidated before the full commission or by the presence of Juan Tizón.
Contrariamente a lo que éstos temían, Philip Bertie Lawrence, Seaford Greenwich y Stanley Sealy no se intimidaron ante la Comisión en pleno y la presencia de Juan Tizón.
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