Translation for "they hated" to spanish
Translation examples
The children also expressed that the Turkish Cypriots are ugly and of dark complexion, and the majority of the children stated that they hate the Turkish Cypriots. (Greek Cypriot daily, Phileleftheros, 30 July 2006)
Los niños también consideraban que los turcochipriotas era feos y de tez oscura, y la mayoría de ellos declararon que odiaban a los turcochipriotas (Diario grecochipriota Fhileleftheros, 30 de julio de 2006).
They hated this girl.
Ellos odiaban a esta chica.
Someone who claimed they hated vulgarity...
Hubo alguien que afirmo que ellos odiaban la vulgaridad...
They hated the idea because they didn't get to play on their own record.
Ellos odiaban la idea porque no llegaron a jugar en su propio registro.
They hated each other when they were together.
Ellos odiaban cuando estaban juntos.
They hated it here.
Ellos odiaban aquí.
He was everything they hated.
Representaba todo lo que ellos odiaban.
They hated computers, the Internet...
Ellos odiaban a los ordenadores, Internet...
They hated the smell of your Punjabi ghee-parathas.
Ellos odiaban el olor de tu Punjabi ghee-parathas.
- And they hated his ideas, they thought his ideas were stupid.
Ellos odiaban sus ideas. Decian que eran estúpidas.
They didn’t hate Lalitha, they hated him.
No odiaban a Lalitha, lo odiaban a él.
They hated them almost as much as they hated decisions, and they hated decisions almost as much as they hated the idea of the individual personality.
Las odiaban casi tanto como odiaban las decisiones, y odiaban las decisiones casi tanto como odiaban la idea de la personalidad individual.
Mossad was hated by his colleagues, but it was hated because it was feared.
Sus colegas odiaban al Mossad -pero lo odiaban porque lo temían.
They hated her for that.
La odiaban por eso.
Poulder and Kroy hated him almost as much as they hated each other.
Poulder y Kroy le odiaban casi tanto como se odiaban el uno al otro.
They didn’t hate me.
Ellas no me odiaban.
No, that they hated you before it.
—No, que ya te odiaban antes.
“Did they hate you too?”
– ¿A ti también te odiaron?
Those that loved us, hated us.
Los que nos quisieron, los que nos odiaron.
The musicians hated this even more.
Los músicos odiaron esto aún más.
They had all hated her on sight.
Todas la odiaron nada más verla.
They hated me and they were very upset.
Me odiaron y quedaron muy trastornados.
The women were immediately, like: I hate her.
Las mujeres la odiaron de inmediato.
Many people hated its monumental scale and ostentation.
Fueron muchos los que odiaron su escala monumental y su ostentación.
When of course they hated each other on sight.
Cuando en realidad, obviamente, se odiaron mutuamente nada más verse.
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