Translation for "they controlled" to spanish
Translation examples
Contagious epidemics of cholera, yellow fever and Ebola virus were effectively controlled.
Se controlaron eficazmente las epidemias contagiosas de cólera, fiebre amarilla y el virus Ébola.
It witnessed some tribal tensions during the election, which were brought under control.
Hubo allí ciertas tensiones tribales durante la elección, que se controlaron.
Both incidents were brought under control with the assistance of UNMIL formed police units and troops.
Ambos incidentes se controlaron con ayuda de soldados y unidades formadas de policía de la UNMIL.
Access to such jobs was controlled by DFF and the security services.
Las fuerzas de facto y los servicios de seguridad controlaron el acceso a estos puestos de trabajo.
The conflict was soon brought under control by Taliban reinforcements.
Los refuerzos de los talibanes pronto controlaron la situación.
The Kosovo Police and EULEX were present and maintained control.
La Policía de Kosovo y la EULEX estaban presentes y controlaron la situación.
Quick reaction forces were deployed and rapidly brought the situation under control.
Se desplegaron fuerzas de reacción rápida que controlaron en poco tiempo la situación.
16. General-purpose expenditures were carefully controlled during 2002-2003.
Durante 2000-2003, los gastos con cargo a fondos para fines generales se controlaron cuidadosamente.
In Kenya, Christian denominations controlled 75 per cent of schools as late as 1955.
En Kenya, los grupos cristianos controlaron el 75% de las escuelas hasta nada menos que 1955.
They control and subjugate through fear.
Ellos controlaron y subyugaron con miedo.
So Ranna's ancestors left them to rule the surface, while they controlled the underworld.
Por lo tanto, los antepasados de Ranna los dejaron reinar en la superficie. mientras ellos controlaron el subsuelo.
They stayed in control for a century.
Durante un siglo, controlaron la región.
The firm lips twitched and toyed with a smile, then controlled themselves.
Los firmes labios se curvaron y juguetearon con una sonrisa, luego se controlaron.
Some of them giggled, but quickly controlled themselves and concentrated on the gravity of the task.
Algunas se rieron tontamente, pero enseguida se controlaron y se concentraron en la seriedad de su tarea.
Since they did not want to stop their pursuits or abandon their comforting constructs, they controlled their fear instead.
Controlaron su miedo, en vez de cambiar o abandonar sus cómodos esquemas.
these people rebelled and for the next eight years controlled most of the Isthmus.
esa gente se rebeló y durante los ocho años siguientes controlaron la mayor parte del istmo.
On the radio, I'm saying, The complete way our minds were controlled we never had a chance.
En la radio, digo que nunca tuvimos ninguna oportunidad ante la forma en que controlaron nuestras mentes.
This is the place!’ They squirted great jets of River water over each other, and then controlled themselves.
Con las trompas, se lanzaron grandes chorros de agua del Río, y acto seguido se controlaron.
The urge to cough was unbearable, but they controlled it as best they could, because when they breathed their lungs filled with the dust.
Las ganas de toser eran insoportables, pero se controlaron como pudieron, porque al hacerlo aspiraban el polvo a bocanadas.
It was through an exquisite metaphysical harmony that they controlled this force and made it obey them, releasing it once more …
Y fue por medio de una exquisita armonía metafísica como controlaron esta fuerza, hicieron que les obedeciera y la liberaron una vez más.
They did indeed control my growth, which made them as happy as could be, because it proved something.
Controlaron en efecto mi crecimiento, lo cual les causó una gran felicidad, ya que era demostración de que iban por buen camino.
The "whites", who represented 20 per cent of the population, had control over and use of 80 per cent of the territory, whereas the "blacks", who represented 70 per cent of the population, controlled only 13 per cent of the lands.
Los "blancos", que representaban el 20% de la población, controlaban y aprovechaban el 80% del territorio nacional, mientras que los "negros", que representaban el 70% de la población, sólo controlaban el 13% de las tierras.
(h) There is strong evidence to suggest that the investigating judges were not in control of the investigation;
h) Hay pruebas convincentes que sugieren que los jueces de instrucción no controlaban la investigación;
They also owned or controlled a number of other business entities in cooperation with each other.
También poseían o controlaban otras empresas en las que cooperaban mutuamente.
By 18 November, Islamist movements controlled the north of the country as far as Douentza.
Al 18 de noviembre los movimientos islámicos controlaban el norte del país hasta Douentza.
The Serbs also cut the electricity supply to Sarajevo, which they largely controlled.
Los serbios también cortaron el suministro de electricidad a Sarajevo, que controlaban en gran parte.
Some of these claimants were allegedly tortured by those who were in control of the camps.
Al parecer algunos de estos solicitantes fueron torturados por quienes controlaban los campamentos.
Whites were then in control of the political and economic life of the colony in a unique way.
Los blancos controlaban la vida política y económica de la colonia de forma exclusiva.
Furthermore, he maintained they controlled their own customs and immigration and their own borders.
Además, afirmó que controlaban su propia aduana e inmigración y sus propias fronteras.
Initially, land appropriation was not controlled especially those in power.
En un primer momento, los dirigentes no controlaban especialmente la apropiación de tierras.
By September 2001, the Taliban controlled approximately 90 per cent of the country.
En septiembre de 2001, los talibanes controlaban aproximadamente el 90% del país.
He was a Norman with evil powers to control her—to control them all.
Era un normando cuyos poderes oscuros la controlaban... controlaban a todos.
Mermen thought they controlled the kelp and, through this, controlled the currents.
Los sirenios pensaban que controlaban el varec y, a través de él, también controlaban las corrientes.
The Takashi controlled everywhere.
Los Takashi lo controlaban todo.
They had no control of their hands;
No controlaban sus manos;
They ran everything, controlled everything.
Lo dirigían todo, lo controlaban todo.
They controlled unions and shipping.
Controlaban los gremios y los embarques.
We were controlled from the Cabinet Office.
Nos controlaban desde ese despacho.
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