Translation for "them get out" to spanish
Translation examples
she would hide them and help them get out of the country, whatever the cost.
Los iba a esconder y a ayudar a salir del país, costara lo que costara.
"Out of my sight," I said. "Jasmine, please light all the lamps and then make them get out of here.
—Fuera de mi vista —respondí—. Jasmine, haz el favor de encender todas las lámparas y luego oblígales a salir de aquí.
There are stories of telephone operators who, after having made it out safely, ran back into the hotel to call guests to help them get out.
Hay historias de operadores telefónicos que, después de haber salido a salvo, regresaron corriendo al hotel para llamar a los huéspedes y ayudarlos a salir.
But he said nothing, for his project at the moment was trying to learn the way Vadesh thought, since it might help them get out of Vadeshfold safely.
Pero no dijo nada, porque de momento estaba ocupado tratando de descubrir cómo pensaba Vadesh. Creía que eso los ayudaría a salir sanos y salvos de su cercado.
As far as Father Ryan was concerned, none of his parishioners was guilty and his only desire was to help them get out of the difficulty they had carelessly gotten themselves into.
En lo que al padre Ryan se refería, ninguno de sus feligreses era culpable, y su único deseo era ayudarlos a salir de las dificultades en las que ellos mismos se metían.
Organise your cohort into fire-fighting teams and put those fires out.We can't afford to let any of them get out of control or the rebels will burn us out of here.'
Organiza a tu cohorte en grupos de extinción y apaga esos fuegos. No podemos permitirnos el lujo de dejar que alguno se descontrole o los rebeldes acabarán quemándolo todo y obligándonos a salir.
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