Translation for "that think" to spanish
Translation examples
Think Green!
¡Piense en el medio ambiente!
I think that the Conference benefits from the groups and I think that benefit might be drawn from many more contract groups.
Pienso que la Conferencia se beneficia de esos Grupos y pienso que se puede beneficiar de muchos otros grupos de contacto.
The campaign on "Think Sex, Think Condom" has been quite successful.
215. La campaña "Piense en el sexo, piense en el preservativo", ha tenido considerable éxito.
This is what people think now.
Es lo que la gente piensa ahora.
I think that is good.
Pienso que eso es bueno.
I think not.
Pienso que no.
That is what I think.
Es lo que pienso.
The world thinks so.
El mundo piensa que sí.
A cancer that thinks and eats?
¿Un cáncer que piensa y come?
But a company that thinks like that...
Pero una empresa que piensa eso...
- that thinks that everything is a nail?
- Que piensa que todo es un clavo?
We have a Ciccio that thinks!
Tenemos un Ciccio que piensa.
It is the "Miura" that think so?
¿Es por la "Miura" que piensa así?
- that think that you walk on water.
- que piensa que caminas en agua.
You're the only person that thinks that.
Eres la unica persona que piensa eso.
I hate art that thinks it's profound.
Odio arte que piensa que es profunda .
Is it only me in here that thinks...
¿Es sólo conmigo aquí que piensa...
Think of this, think of that.
Piensa en esto, piensa en aquello.
"But you think not?" "I think not."
—Pero piensas que no. —Pienso que no.
What do Latin American children think of the family? (1993)
Qué piensan los niños latinoamericanos de la familia (1993)
Our Governments, diplomats and politicians rarely think in such terms.
Nuestros gobiernos, diplomáticos y políticos casi nunca piensan de esa manera.
There are others that think
Hay otros que piensan
You see, I know how a bitch like that thinks.
Sé lo que piensan las zorras como ella.
No shepherd want a sheep that think for themselves.
Como ovejas sin pastor que piensan por sí mismas.
And who is it exactly that's thinking that?
¿Y quiénes son exactamente los que piensan eso?
You always argue with those that think the same as you.
Siempre discutes con los que piensan como tú.
Coffee makers that think.
Cafeteras que piensan.
You mean machines that think?
¿Se refiere a máquinas que piensan?
Two minds that think as one!
¡Dos mentes que piensan como una!
There are some that think...
Hay algunos que piensan...
Those responsible for our well-being think for us while they think of us.
Los responsables de lo nuestro piensan por nosotros mientras piensan en nosotros.
And others think
—Y otros piensan...
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