Translation for "that remind me" to spanish
Translation examples
It's just, there are so many things this time of year that remind me of what I've lost.
Es solo, hay tantas cosas en esta época del año que me recuerdan que lo he perdido.
Because I also care deeply about things that remind me of myself.
Porque también me intereso profúndamente en las cosas que me recuerdan a mi.
This pile is stuff that reminds me of Luke.
Este montón son cosas que me recuerdan a Luke.
I took things that reminded me of Leanne. So what?
Cojo cosas que me recuerdan a Leanne. ¿Y qué?
There are so many things about you that remind me of him...
Hay muchas cosas en ti que me recuerdan a él...
I need to get rid of things that remind me of Matthew.
Tengo que deshacerme de las cosas que me recuerdan a Matthew.
I love the parts of you that remind me of my husband.
Amo las partes de ti que me recuerdan a mi esposo
It's comments like that remind me why I never liked you, Paddy Kennedy.
Son comentarios como ese los que me recuerdan por qué nunca me gustaste, Paddy Kennedy.
[ Sam Narrating ] There are moments when I leap back in time that remind me of the evening of my senior prom.
Hay momentos del pasado que me recuerdan mi baile escolar.
There are a lot of his mannerisms that remind me of you.
Tiene muchos gestos que me recuerdan a ti.
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