Translation for "testify as" to spanish
Translation examples
Some witnesses will not have to testify in person.
Algunos de ellos no tendrán que comparecer para testificar.
Persons, who may refuse to testify
Personas que pueden negarse a testificar
Principle that no one may be compelled to testify against a relative
Inadmisibilidad de la obligación de testificar contra los familiares
Nor was she prepared to testify against him.
Tampoco estuvo dispuesta a testificar en su contra.
The daughter refused to testify at the main hearing.
La hija rehusó testificar en la vista principal.
Not to testify against themselves or their next of kin;
- no testificar contra uno mismo o contra sus parientes próximos;
None of these specialists came to Court to testify.
Ninguno de esos especialistas compareció a testificar ante el Tribunal.
I wish to testify in relation to this crime'.
Deseo testificar en relación con este delito.
We argue that Jared had a mental break, which made him legally incompetent to testify as a witness.
Argumentamos que Jared sufrió una crisis emocional que lo hizo legalmente incompetente para testificar como testigo.
I was there to testify as one of the investigating officers.
Yo estaba allí para testificar como uno de los agentes investigadores.
Jamie, we'll break spousal privilege and force Tasha to testify as your accomplice.
Jamie, romperemos el privilegio marital y obligaremos a Tasha a testificar como tu cómplice.
He can only testify as the character.
Eso es irrelevante. Sólo puede testificar como jefe tuyo.
You say anything incriminating, and Danny and I could be forced to testify as witnesses against you.
Si dices algo incriminatorio, a Danny y a mi nos podrían forzar a testificar como testigos en tu contra.
Your Honor, I'm not surprised to hear that Sergeant Berry is prepared to testify as coached.
Señoría, no me sorprende escuchar que el Sargento Berry está preparado para testificar como le han entrenado.
If Caroline doesn't prosecute our kidnappings, we'd be free to testify as expert witnesses in the boy's case.
Si Caroline no procesa nuestros secuestros, estaríamos libres para testificar como testigos expertos en el caso del niño.
Wait. You think I'm gonna testify as Nikki Lepree?
Espera. ¿Crees que voy a testificar como Nikki Lepree?
For one day to testify as a witness in a trial.
Por un día para testificar como testigo en un juicio.
Our dear fair housing commissioner isn't willing to testify as your expert witness.
Nuestro querido comisionado. no está dispuesto a testificar como testigo experto.
You’re the only person who can testify for me.” “Testify?”
Tú eres la única que puede testificar a mi favor. —¿Testificar?
“It’s not for us to testify,”
—No somos nosotros los que tenemos que testificar.
You will have to testify.
Tendrás que testificar.
“The nurse will testify?”
—¿Testificará la enfermera?
Thought you had to testify.
– ¿No tenías que testificar?
One of us has to testify.
Uno de nosotros tiene que testificar.
He’s ready to testify.
Está dispuesto a testificar.
You could testify to that?
¿Podrías testificar sobre eso?
“I’m not going to testify.”
– No voy a testificar.
The following persons shall be under no obligation to testify:
No están en la obligación de declarar:
Prohibition of testifying against oneself
Prohibición de declarar contra sí mismo
Right not to testify against oneself
Derecho a no declarar con sí mismo
- The right not to testify against oneself.
- el derecho a no declarar contra sí mismo;
Right not to be compelled to testify
Derecho a no ser coaccionado a declarar contra sí mismo
Mr. Ruiz, you are here to testify as a witness regarding the theft of property belonging to the French Republic from the Louvre National Museum.
Señor Ruiz, está aquí para declarar como testigo en el caso de sustracción de bienes pertenecientes a la República francesa cometidos en el Museo Nacional del Louvre.
"Lex Luthor offered to testify as a character witness... "before the medical ethics board."
Lex Luthor se ofreció a declarar como testigo ante la junta de ética médica.
I'll testify as your witness, anything.
Declararé como testigo.
Who are any of us to testify as an expert as to what words black people can or cannot handle?
¿Quién somos cualquiera de nosotros, para declarar como expertos, acerca de que palabras la gente negra puede o no puede manejar?
He was about to testify as a whistle-blower.
Estaba a punto de declarar como denunciante.
- Do you wish to testify as a witness?
¿Quiere declarar como testigo?
He'll get her to testify as a witness that you're some kind of a scum bag.
La pondrá a declarar como testigo de que eres una escoria o algo parecido.
He's there testifying as a character witness for my 5K1.
Él no declarar como testigo personaje para mi 5K1.
“Are you prepared to testify?”
—¿Estás dispuesto a declarar?
I would be expected to testify.
Se esperaría que yo declarara.
“Why do you insist on testifying?”
–¿Por qué insiste en declarar?
Was he going to testify against her?
—¿Iba a declarar él contra ella?
“Why are you forcing her to testify?”
—¿Por qué la obliga a declarar?
“She can’t testify against him.”
—Ella no puede declarar en contra suya.
“I’m not going to testify against myself.
—No voy a declarar contra mí.
I will testify as your witness.
Declararé como testigo en vuestro favor.
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