Translation examples
There is, we have noted, a tearing away.
Existe, lo hemos visto, un arrancar con violencia.
The men began to tear away the soft earth of the bank.
Los hombres se pusieron a arrancar la tierra blanda de la orilla.
“There’s something here,” he said, and began to tear away the ivy strands.
—Aquí hay algo —dijo empezando a arrancar las ramas—.
Wren reached greedily, tearing away the wrappings to reveal three books.
Wren se hizo codiciosamente con él, y al arrancar el envoltorio descubrió tres libros.
Moth raised a hand, and Andy Candy thought he was going to tear away the security tape.
Moth levantó una mano y Andy pensó que iba a arrancar la cinta de seguridad.
He had a terrible longing to scratch, no, to scrape off, to tear away, this goading, burning flesh.
Tenía unas terribles ganas de arañarse, no, de rascarse y de arrancar esa carne aguijoneada, ardiente.
He hung on the little cliff and began to tear away the blobs of red jelly with his fingers.
Suspendido sobre el pequeño montículo, comenzó a arrancar con sus dedos las masas rojas y gelatinosas.
He was almost overcome by a savage desire to tear away the stays and quilting and find the tender flesh beneath.
Casi lo vence el impulso salvaje de arrancar esos obstáculos y encontrar la carne sensible que se escondía debajo.
To be sure, Dr. Rosen had helped her tear away many of the veils that had hidden the truths of her life. Dr.
Por supuesto, la doctora Rosen la había ayudado a arrancar muchos de los velos que ocultaban las verdades de su vida.
I closed my dirty hands over my face as if I could find and tear away whatever was keeping the air out.
Me cubrí la cara con las manos mugrientas, como si pudiera encontrar y arrancar lo que impedía entrar al aire.
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