Translation for "superlight" to spanish
Translation examples
Finally, the Caterham R500 Superlight.
Finalmente, el Caterham R500 Superligero.
This is the R500 Superlight.
Es el R500 Superligero.
Audee had flown airbodies on Venus, superlights on Earth, shuttles to the Gateway asteroid, private-party jet charters on Peggys Planet, and long-lines interstellar spacecraft to everywhere.
Audee había volado en aerocuerpos en Venus, superligeros en la Tierra, lanzaderas al asteroide Pórtico, reactores privados en el mundo de Peggy, y naves de línea interestelares a cualquier parte.
Hydrogen and the latest in superlight materials gave them the necessary lift to carry a cargo like their windmills, but with such a cargo aboard they were ludicrously sluggish, and everything happened in extreme slow motion.
El hidrógeno y lo último en materiales superligeros les proporcionaban lo necesario para elevarse llevando una carga de molinos de viento, aunque con semejante peso a bordo viajaban a una velocidad ridícula.
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