Translation for "superfluities" to spanish
Translation examples
Our basest beggars are in the poorest thing superfluous.
El mendigo más miserable goza de alguna superfluidad en su pobreza.
It was only the two of us, however, who were in the know about my superfluousness;
Sin embargo, sólo nosotros dos éramos conscientes de mi superfluidad;
He cuts through these decadent superfluities and shows us that the conclusion is everything, Gunther.
Él se salta esas superfluidades decadentes y nos demuestra que la conclusión lo es todo, Gunther.
He obviously thought that, since they both knew who was who, why waste time on superfluities.
Estaba claro que consideraba que los dos sabían quién era el otro, y tenía todo el aire de no soportar superfluidades.
Perhaps he would not have felt this basic lack, or superfluity, if it had not been for his wife.
Es posible que no hubiera sentido aquel fallo esencial, o aquella superfluidad, a no ser por su mujer.
Of course I no longer believed that any human fate could be associated with such remains and superfluities.
Naturalmente, ya no creía que cualquier destino humano pudiera asociarse con tales restos y superfluidades.
to him presumably they were all one with the unreasonable variety of knives and forks and the superfluity of inedible foods;
para él era probable que se confundieran con la variedad poco común de cuchillos y tenedores y la superfluidad de comida imposible de comer;
They have been blown free of all needless accretion of detail—scorched clean of all graceful superfluities.
El viento ha barrido toda adición innecesaria de detalles, ha arrasado con todas las superfluidades de la elegancia.
Poor senseless creatures that can’t comprehend the abundance, the superfluity of water that has descended all around them.
Pobres e inconscientes criaturas que no pueden comprender la abundancia, la superfluidad del agua que ha caído a su alrededor.
Misplaced sympathy is the least available of superfluities, and Bernard at this time found himself thinking that there was a good deal of impertinence in the world.
La simpatía mal ubicada es la menos habitual de las superfluidades y por esta época Bernard pensaba que había una buena dosis de impertinencia en este mundo.
Only after a while did she realize that what distracted her was precisely what she was trying to hold on to, that fundamental sense of being superfluous which, reduced to its simplest terms, could be expressed only in the words that life was so complete without her that she had no business being in it.
Sólo tras unos momentos supo que, en las cosas que rechazaba, se expresaba precisamente lo que quería imaginar, el sentimiento fundamental de su superfluidad; aquello que, para definirlo de la manera más escueta, sólo podía expresarse con estas palabras: la vida era completa sin su persona;
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