Translation for "state of trance" to spanish
State of trance
Translation examples
The Bushmen, and many peoples like them, address their spiritual dilemmas, their health dilemmas, their social dilemmas, even their political dilemmas, through the use of a trained shaman, who enters a state of trance,
Los indígenas, y mucha gente como ellos, tratan sus dilemas espirituales, sus dilemas de salud, sus dilemas sociales, y hasta sus dilemas políticos, a través del uso de un Chamán entrenado, el cual entra en un estado de trance,
The child is still in a state of trance.
La chica está todavía en estado de trance.
They were just in a state of trance.
Estarían solo en un estado de trance.
He could have killed the women in a state of trance, but he'd had to kill Michal with a clear head.
Pudo haber matado a las mujeres en un estado de trance, ...pero a Michal tenía que matarlo con la mente despejada.
HENRY: The ancients were using this profound sound technology in order to put themselves into a deep state of trance in order to access higher human consciousness. They wanted to go deep within in order to connect themselves with star energy.
Los antiguos estaban usando esta tecnología de sonido profundo con el fin de ponerse ellos mismos en un profundo estado de trance, para poder acceder a una mayor conciencia humana, ellos querían entrar rápido para conectarse por si mismos con la energía de las estrellas.
The priests stated, that the member of the Jewish race put them in a state of trance with physical contact.
Los sacerdotes declararon, que el miembro de la raza judía los puso en un estado de trance con contacto físico.
The clairvoyant, however in a state of trance, walks around the die in a way.
El clarividente, sin embargo camina de algún modo en estado de trance alrededor del dado.
He said all this with lofty gestures, in a state of trance.
Decía todo aquello con ademanes exaltados, en estado de trance.
Hour followed hour and all things were asleep or in a state of trance.
Las horas se sucedían y todas las cosas dormían o estaban sumidas en un estado de trance.
Elric, completely in a state of trance now, jerked his whole body in convulsions.
Completamente abandonado en su estado de trance, Elric se sacudió, presa de las convulsiones.
Be that as it may, I want you to imagine me writing a novel in a state of trance.
Sea como fuere, quiero que me imaginen intentando escribir una novela en estado de trance.
For him America was merely a condition or state of trance which permitted him to transmit his Polish genes to his heredity.
Para él América era una simple condición o estado de trance que le permitía transmitir sus genes polacos a su descendencia.
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