Translation for "soon we are" to spanish
Translation examples
Soon, soon we will be in court.
Pronto, muy pronto estaremos ante un tribunal.
Soon we found ourselves in a large room.
Pronto nos encontramos en un amplio salón.
Soon we are at the small trail leading to the top.
Pronto nos encontramos en la pequeña senda que conduce a la cima.
Soon we were heading across the scrubland that fronted the bluff where the Sandoval family lived.
Pronto nos encontramos cruzando los campos que hay delante del acantilado donde residía la familia Sandoval.
Finally it even started snowing, in enormous wet flakes. Soon we were in the midst of the most awful snowstorm.
Un día nevó en grandes y mojados copos, pronto nos encontramos en medio de una tremenda ventisca.
People kept making sudden dashes, driven before the wind, to their cars, and soon we found our opportunity and rushed out, too.
La gente salía en súbitas arremetidas hacia los coches y pronto nosotros encontramos también la oportunidad de marcharnos.
Her bra came next, and soon we were naked on the bed and moving together, lost in our own feelings and the mysteries of each other.
Las bragas fueron la siguiente prenda de la que nos deshicimos y pronto nos encontramos desnudos en la cama, moviéndonos al unísono, absortos en nuestros sentimientos y en los misterios del otro.
Soon we were all en route to the capital with the same bundles we'd brought with us weeks before, plus two new babies and minus the birds, which had perished from fright along the road.
Pronto nos encontramos todos en ruta a la capital con los mismos bul-tos que habíamos trasladado semanas antes, más dos recién nacidos y menos los pájaros que murieron atorados de susto por el camino.
We startled some of the skinny animals on the banks, and they started to buck and gallop, and soon we found ourselves amid a band of African kids, naked boys and girls, yelling at the sight of us. Even the tiniest of them, with the big bellies, wrinkled their faces and screeched with the rest, above the bellowing of the cattle, and flocks of birds who had been sitting in trees took off through the withered leaves.
Pronto nos encontramos rodeados de una caterva de críos africanos, ellos y ellas desnudos, que gritaban al vernos. Hasta los más chicos, con sus barrigas abultadas, arrugaban la cara y chillaban con los demás, por encima de los mugidos de las reses. Las bandadas de pájaros que estaban posados en los árboles levantaron el vuelo a través de hojas marchitas.
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