Translation for "solve-the" to spanish
Translation examples
But it was not expected to solve all their problems.
Pero no se espera de él que resuelva todos sus problemas.
Unfortunately, this does not solve the problem.
Lamentablemente, esto no resuelve el problema.
The Palestinian intifada has refuted Sharon's belief that what cannot be solved by force will be solved by more force.
La intifada palestina ha rechazado la posición de Sharon en el sentido de que lo que no se resuelve por la fuerza se resuelve con más fuerza.
205. This silence does not solve the problem.
Este silencio no resuelve el problema.
It does not solve the problem, but it encourages women.
No resuelve el problema, pero alienta a las mujeres.
naccuracy but does not solve them.
La introducción del euro reduce los problemas de inexactitud pero no los resuelve.
War solves nothing. War is primitive.
La guerra no resuelve nada, la guerra es primitiva.
I hope that it will solve the problem.
Espero que esto resuelva el problema.
But the problem is not solved by turning the tap off.
Pero el problema no se resuelve cerrando el grifo.
Solve the puzzle.
Resuelve el puzzle.
Solve the problem.
Resuelve el problema.
So solve the case.
Entonces resuelve el caso.
You almost solved the crime.
Casi resuelves el caso.
Solves the unemployment problem.
- Eso resuelve el paro.
- I'll solve the puzzle.
- Resuelvo el panel.
That solves the puzzle.
Eso resuelve el acertijo.
“But nothing’s solved.
—Pero esto no resuelve nada.
Solves all, does it?
Eso lo resuelve todo, ¿a que sí?
it doesn't solve anything."
Eso no resuelve nada.
That solves the case?
—¿Y eso resuelve el caso?
It solves murders and everything.
Resuelve los asesinatos y todo.
It solves all the problems.
Resuelve todos los problemas.
Tech solves everything.
La tecnología lo resuelve todo.
Left alone, that dilemma will not be solved.
Dejado a su suerte, ese dilema no se resolverá.
- to solve/improve labour problems;
- resolver/paliar los problemas laborales;
There are still many problems to be solved.
Son numerosos los problemas que quedan por resolver.
(j) The conventions to solve insecurity.
j) Los acuerdos para resolver la inseguridad.
Identifying and solving problems
Identificar y resolver problemas
The problems of migration can be solved.
Los problemas de la migración se pueden resolver.
They help us solve problems which we cannot solve individually and set limits on acceptable behaviour.
Éstas nos ayudan a resolver problemas que no podemos resolver individualmente y a fijar límites al comportamiento inaceptable.
There were no panaceas for solving such problems.
No hay panaceas para resolver esos problemas.
Not solving the crime.
No... resolver... el... crimen.
You'll solve the case.
Resolverás el caso.
Or solve the problem.
O resolver el problema.
Solve the crime.
Resolver el crimen.
That'll solve the problem.
Eso resolverá el problema.
- Solve the fucking case?
- ¿Resolver el puto caso?
Solving the problem?
Resolver el problema?
- For solving the case.
Por resolver el caso.
What will this solve?
¿Qué resolverá eso?
This will solve everything.
Eso lo resolverá todo.
This is not solving anything.
Esto no va a resolver nada.
Then solve the problem.
—Tendréis que resolver el problema.
To solve their problems.
—Para resolver problemas.
Well I’ll solve it.
Bien, lo resolveré.
Another mystery to be solved.
Otro misterio por resolver.
It will solve everybody's problems.
Resolverá los problemas de todos.
And solve your riddle.
Y resolver tu adivinanza.
It will solve your problem.
Resolverá tu problema.
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