Translation for "slatey" to spanish
Translation examples
The sky was slatey gray.
El cielo aparecía de un gris pizarra.
Behind heavily framed glass was a flattish surface, a slatey plane.
Tras un cristal enmarcado había una superficie aplanada, un plano de pizarra.
It shed a silvery, slatey light, flickering internally like a cross between the Aurora Coriolis and summer lightning.
Proyectaba una luz plateada, de tono pizarra, que temblaba por dentro como una mezcla entre la Aurora Coriolis y un relámpago veraniego.
They were silent for a few moments, both of them staring into the slatey green oblong of the TV screen with its skewed little bar of reflected window.
Permanecieron callados unos instantes, ambos mirando hacia el rectángulo verde pizarra de la pantalla del televisor con su franja sesgada de ventana reflejada.
Her large eyes were surrounded by slatey skin, slightly puffed, with liquid under it.
Sus enormes ojos estaban rodeados de piel pizarrosa, ligeramente hinchada y tenían líquido por debajo.
For what seemed a considerable time he sat with his eyes closed, while his face took on a curious slatey pallor, as though he had been bleached by the sea.
Durante lo que pareció un rato considerablemente largo, estuvo sentado con los ojos cerrados, mientras su cara se teñía de una extraña palidez pizarrosa, como si el mar se la hubiera blanqueado.
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