Translation for "sit as" to spanish
Translation examples
Three police officers tried to force him to sit on a chair.
Tres agentes trataron de obligarlo a sentarse en una silla.
(b) Men are categorically prevented from sitting in places assigned to women, while women are not allowed to sit in places assigned to men;
b) Se prohíbe terminantemente a los hombres sentarse en los lugares destinados a las mujeres, y a las mujeres no se les permite sentarse en los lugares destinados a los hombres;
This is what we call sitting on top of this unipolar world.
Esto es lo que llamamos sentarse en la cima del mundo unipolar.
Certainly, it will be tempting to sit back and wait for others to move first.
Sin dudas, sería tentador sentarse a esperar a que otros dieran el primer paso.
They were forced to sit down and then handcuffed.
Fueron forzados a sentarse y luego fueron esposados.
Difficulty in sitting or standing (7 per cent)
El retraso en sentarse o mantenerse de pie (7%),
Both men were forced to sit on the ground.
Ambos hombres fueron obligados a sentarse en el suelo.
There are neither benches for sitting no shelter during bad weather.
No hay bancos para sentarse ni abrigo para el mal tiempo.
Your Honors cannot sit as a glorified Board of Education
su señoria no puede sentarse como una glorificada junta de Educacion
You are responsible for me having to sit as a toad in some corner for the last 12 years!
Usted es responsable de que yo tenga que sentarse como un sapo en algún rincón de los últimos 12 años!
Sitting by herself or sitting with the geeks?
¿Sentarse sola o sentarse con las subnormales?
Sit down, gentlemen, sit down.
¡Ea, a sentarse, caballeros, a sentarse!
There was nowhere to sit.
No había donde sentarse.
There’s nowhere to sit.”
No hay donde sentarse.
One you sit down on.
De esos para sentarse.
You have to sit down and —
Tiene que sentarse y…
You ought to sit down.
–Tendría que sentarse.
Those concerned with the agreement must sit at the table.
Los interesados en celebrar el acuerdo se deben sentar a la mesa.
During the journey, soldiers regularly sit on top of the victims, often for several hours at a time.
Durante el viaje, los soldados se suelen sentar encima de las víctimas, a menudo durante varias horas.
Goran Tešić had him sit down on a metal chair and questioned him.
Goran Tešić indicó a éste que se sentara en una silla metálica y le interrogó.
During long periods, he was ordered to stand up and sit down, over and over.
Lo obligaban a ponerse de pie y a volverse a sentar una y otra vez durante largos períodos.
Without sitting together face to face, no solution can be deployed.
Si no nos podemos sentar frente a frente, será imposible llegar a una solución.
They remained in the pit for about one hour and were then made to sit inside a tank that moved in circles.
Estuvieron en el foso durante aproximadamente una hora y luego los hicieron sentar dentro de un tanque que se movía en círculos.
Finally, he was ordered to sit down on the ground and covered with a blanket.
Finalmente, le ordenaron que se sentara en el suelo y lo cubrieron con una manta.
This method of torture also includes making people sit on tiny chairs with their hands and feet tied to the chair.
Este método de tortura también consiste en hacer sentar a una persona en una silla diminuta, con las manos y los pies atados a la silla.
Achieving peace requires much more than convincing the parties to sit at the negotiating table and reach compromises.
La conquista de la paz nos exige mucho más que sentar a los adversarios alrededor de una mesa y acordar compromisos.
Israeli interrogation facilities were limited and it was sometimes necessary for two detainees to sit next to one another.
Los centros de interrogatorio israelíes son limitados y en ocasiones es necesario sentar a dos detenidos juntos.
You sit with the gentlemen, I sit with the ladies.
Tú te sentarás con los caballeros, y yo me sentaré con las damas.
I'll sit down with you."
Me sentaré con vosotros.
“I’ve got to sit down.”
Me tengo que sentar.
You will sit, as you are sitting now.
Se sentará igual que ahora.
You’re not going to sit?”
¿No te vas a sentar?
I’ll sit on the bed.
Yo me sentaré en la cama.
was given a chair to sit in.
una silla para que se sentara.
“You will not sit at the dais.”
—No te sentarás en la tarima.
Will you sit down?
—¿Queréis sentaros?
“I’m sitting with Chris.”
—Me sentaré con Chris.
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