Translation for "shelter and food" to spanish
Translation examples
It also involved collaborative action with UNIFIL, which in its area of operations provided immediate and effective assistance both during the armed conflict and in its aftermath, providing shelter and food to 1,360 people, as well as providing emergency medicines, medical treatment and emergency supplies to thousands of others.
También supuso la realización de actividades conjuntas con la FPNUL, que proporcionó asistencia inmediata y eficaz en su zona de operaciones durante y después del conflicto armado, ofreciendo refugio y comida a 1.360 personas, y medicamentos de emergencia, tratamiento médico y suministros de emergencia a otros miles.
Charitable organizations tried to find them shelter and food, and to help them return home.
Organizaciones benéficas tratan de encontrarles refugio y comida, y de ayudarles a regresar a casa.
My, um-- my boyfriend and I were on our way to Florida, and we heard there was shelter and food here.
Mi novio y yo íbamos camino a Florida, y oímos que había refugio y comida aquí.
young turists who seek shelter and food, people she might fancy fishermen... boatmen, anyone.
jóvenes turistas, que buscan refugio y comida, gente con la que podría fantasear, pescadores, bateleros, quien sea.
Find yourselves shelter and food.
Encuentren refugio y comida.
Now they have the privileges of shelter and food.
Ahora tienen el privilegio de contar con refugio y comida.
“This world,” she says. “No. It gives us shelter and food.
—Este mundo —corrige—. No. Nos ofrece refugio y comida.
We have to find a place where we can get shelter and food.
Debemos hallar un lugar que nos ofrezca refugio y comida.
We need shelter and food, but most of all, we need to get away from this place.
—Necesitamos refugio y comida, pero sobre todo tenemos que marcharnos de este lugar.
If you will allow us to camp on your land, we will supply you with shelters and food.
Si nos permitís acampar en vuestra tierra, os proporcionaremos refugios y comida.
London lay far behind, and they were miles from shelter and food.
Londres estaba muy lejos, y aún había que recorrer varios kilómetros para encontrar refugio y comida.
       When Sharon Brevix entered the dusk and the dark of her second lost day without shelter or food...
Cuando Sharon Brevix entró en el polvoriento y oscuro segundo día de estar perdida sin refugio ni comida
Drawing upon skills learned during decades of hiding and preying on the Tleilaxu, C’tair taught her to navigate the back routes for shelter and food.
C’tair la enseñó a orientarse por caminos secretos para conseguir refugio y comida.
The army was now 200 miles from Smolensk, its nearest place of shelter and food.
Estaban a 220 kilómetros de Smolensk, el lugar más cercano donde podían encontrar refugio y alimento.
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