Translation for "shed it" to spanish
Translation examples
Was this why God had delivered her from the slaughter that befell her family—only to thrust her into the arms of the very villain who had shed their blood?
¿Para eso la había salvado Dios de la masacre que había sufrido su familia, para arrojarla a los brazos del mismo canalla que había derramado la sangre de los suyos?
'If you have tears, prepare to shed them now,' Jago told him.
—Si tiene lágrimas, prepárese a verterlas.
“If ye have tears”, prepare to shed them now. Old Roman quotation,” Delaney said.
—«Si tenéis lágrimas, preparaos para verterlas ahora.» Una vieja cita romana —dijo Delaney—.
Blood will have to flow very funnily; blood will have to flow up the Matterhorn , before I will take it as a sign that I am to shed it.
La sangre tendrá que manar de forma muy rara, o tendrá que correr hacia la cumbre del Matterhorn antes de que yo la considere un signo de que voy a verterla.
“Put aside your doubts,” said Maryna, meaning his damned letter, “and If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.”
–Deje a un lado sus dudas -dijo Maryna, refiriéndose a la condenada carta-, y si tenéis lágrimas, disponeos a verterlas ahora.
Maybe his girlish tears were worse than the reason he shed them. Maybe they were a weakness the others recognized and pinpointed even before he punked out. Even before the melt had flooded his chest when he saw her hands, curving down from the snow white shoelaces that bound them.
Quizá las lágrimas de niña, peores que el motivo que le hacía verterlas, eran naturales, una debilidad que los demás reconocían e identificaban con precisión incluso antes de que él exhibiera su cobardía Antes incluso de que el impulso de deshacerse en lágrimas hubiera inundado su pecho al ver las manos de la muchacha, curvadas hacia abajo desde los cordones blancos como la nieve que las ataban.
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