Translation for "roads that lead" to spanish
Translation examples
Indeed, so various are the roads that lead a man to cruelty!
Son tan variados los caminos que conducen a un hombre a la crueldad.
You must mine all the roads that lead to Bihac as soon as possible. You must stop the Germans.
minas debe todos los caminos que conducen a Bihać tan pronto como sea posible.
With them, at any rate, I traveled the roads that lead from village to town and town to city;
El caso es que con ellos viajé por los caminos que conducen de la aldea al pueblo y del pueblo a la ciudad;
- Ready to block the roads that lead to the mountains - answered Sandokan, who had suddenly become very thoughtful. - I was not deceived: I felt the danger.
—Dispuestos a cerramos los caminos que conducen a las montañas —añadió Sandokán, que se había tomado de pronto pensativo—. No me he engañado; presentía el peligro.
I have sent men after him along the three roads that lead to Paris. They are to spare neither money nor horses in picking up his trail and effecting his capture.
He enviado a mis agentes a los tres caminos que conducen a París y no se ahorrará dinero ni caballos para seguirle la pista y detenerle a tiempo.
Even so, the man recognizes the roads that lead to the Box, filmed from a low-flying helicopter.
Aun así, el hombre reconoce las carreteras que conducen a la Caja, captadas durante el vuelo rasante del helicóptero.
One day the stars will be as familiar to each man as the landmarks, the curves, and the hills on the road that leads to his door, and one day this will be an airborne life.
Algún día las estrellas serán tan familiares para todos los hombres como las señales, las curvas y las colinas de la carretera que conducen hasta su casa y algún día habrá vida en el aire.
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