Translation for "retire from" to spanish
Translation examples
Just retired from Stanford.
Acaba de jubilarse de Stanford.
Larry King is so old he had to retire from sitting in a chair.
Larry King es tan viejo que tuvo que jubilarse de estar sentado en una silla.
Bob just retired from the Police Force.
Bob acaba de jubilarse de la Policía.
He hopes to retire from his sales job and make a living from his photography.
—Espera jubilarse de su trabajo actual y ganarse la vida con la fotografía.
Willie James Judd was near to retirement from his longtime county employment.
Willie James Judd estaba a punto de jubilarse de sus largos años de trabajo para el condado.
I had called him in Portland, Oregon, where he moved after retiring from the library.
Le telefoneé a Portland, Oregón, donde se trasladó después de jubilarse de la biblioteca.
Also in the audience were John and Dorothy Tarr, John being about sixty and recently retired from the Monotype Corporation.
Entre el público también estaban John y Dorothy Tarr. John rondaba los sesenta y acababa de jubilarse de la Monotype Corporation.
Are you retiring from the screen, Carla?
¿Está por retirarse de la pantalla? , Carla.
- He'd have had to retire from public life.
Habría tenido que retirarse de la vida pública.
Retire from the railway?
Retirarse de la vía férrea?
Chiltern wants to retire from public life.
Chiltern quiere retirarse de la vida política.
Decline a seat in the Cabinet, and retire from public life?
¿Rechazar un escaño y retirarse de la vida pública?
Emmanuelle almost asked, “Retiring from what?”
Emmanuelle hubiera querido preguntar: «¿Retirarse de qué?».
“Oh. Isn’t that rather too early to retire from a ball such as this?
—¿No es un poco temprano para retirarse de un baile como éste?
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