Translation for "respecters" to spanish
Translation examples
There is no understanding of, or respect for, human rights.
:: Los derechos humanos no se comprenden ni se respetan.
Terrorists do not respect the rule of law.
Los terroristas no respetan el Estado de derecho.
We believe that there is no middle ground between good and evil, between those who respect and those who do not respect legality.
Creemos que no hay una posición intermedia entre el bien y el mal, entre los que respetan la legalidad y los no que la respetan.
Most of those challenges respect no borders.
La mayoría de esos desafíos no respetan fronteras.
Women who are not married are not well respected among them.
Ellos no respetan mucho a las solteras.
Americans respect and honour Islam.
Los estadounidenses respetan y honran el islam.
66. Pygmies' rights are not respected.
No se respetan los derechos de los pigmeos.
ü Rights and Accountability are respected
:: Se respetan los derechos y las obligaciones
Nuclear accidents respect no borders.
Los accidentes nucleares no respetan fronteras.
Women respect me.
Ellas me respetan.
Everybody respects you.
Todos te respetan.
they respect you.
ellos te respetan.
Gotta no respect
No me respetan #
Everyone respects him.
Todos lo respetan.
They'll respect that.
Ellos respetan eso.
You respect me.
Ustedes me respetan.
And they respect you much more highly than they respect us;
Y os respetan más a vosotros de lo que nos respetan a nosotros;
But they don't respect him.
Pero no le respetan.
Many of them respect you.
Muchos te respetan.
They respect their masters.
Respetan a sus maestros.
No respect for tradition.
No respetan la tradición.
Then they respect you.
Entonces te respetan.
They have no respect for the river.
No respetan el río.
They don’t respect anybody.”
—No respetan a nadie.
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