Translation for "reporting to him" to spanish
Translation examples
It doesn’t seem to me that we have anything of moment to report to him.
No creo que tengamos nada importante que informarle.
Walling was named lead agent, reporting to him.
Walling tenía que dirigir la investigación e informarle personalmente.
Periodically, Wainwright said, Eastin would report to him.
Periódicamente, dijo Wainwright, Eastin iría a informarle.
He understood that Beauvoir and Lacoste did not need to report to him, and they weren’t. They were simply informing him.
Era consciente de que Beauvoir y Lacoste ya no estaban obligados a informarlo.
All this thinking gave Bucket a headache, so he stopped and phoned the Boss instead, reporting to him that nothing at all had happened that was worth reporting.
Le dio jaqueca de tanto pensar, o sea que dejó de hacerlo y, en su lugar, llamó al Jefe para informarle que no tenía nada que informarle.
Jebu sent Shenzo Totomi to make sure Yukio was unhurt and to report to him.
Jebu envió a Shenzo Totomi para asegurarse de que Yukio estaba a salvo y para informarle.
He said to Mercy, “You’re supposed to stay close to me and report to him, I suppose.
Le dijo a Mercy: —Se supone que debes permanecer cerca de mí e informarle, calculo.
'Yes, sir.' The tribune saluted, and then hesitated. 'Is there anything I should report to him, sir?
—Sí, señor. —El tribuno saludó y tras vacilar añadió—: ¿Hay algo de lo que deba informarle, señor?
I took my leave of Cicero with no agreement to see him again, much less report to him.
Me marché de casa de Cicerón sin haber llegado a un acuerdo sobre cuándo volvería a verle y menos aún a informarle.
A senior officer has made it known that I should report to him about your Shiellian inquiry..
Un oficial superior me hizo saber que yo le debo informar a él acerca de tu investigación de Shiellion..
You'll be reporting to him he'll be reporting to me.
Usted le informará a él... y él me informará a mí.
That is, i report to him until i get fired, Which could happen at any minute.
Eso es, ahora le informaré a él hasta me despidan, lo cual podría pasar en cualquier momento.
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