Translation for "regular visits" to spanish
Regular visits
Translation examples
The provision also advises regular visits to maintain personal contact between the mother and child.
La disposición también aconseja visitas regulares para mantener el contacto personal entre madres e hijos.
He had never complained before the judge about ill-treatment and received regular visits from his wife.
No había denunciado malos tratos ante el juez y recibía visitas regulares de su esposa.
Arrangements have also been made for regular visits by psychiatrists form the Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital.
También se han previsto visitas regulares de psiquiatras del hospital Indhira Gandhi.
The regular visit of prisons by the director is another preventive measure.
Otra medida preventiva son las visitas regulares a las prisiones que lleva a cabo el director.
Regular visits by saints and volunteers to remove superstitions and addictions to tobacco and alcohol.
Visitas regulares de miembros y voluntarios para erradicar supersticiones y adicciones al tabaco y el alcohol.
Based only in Port-au-Prince, observers made regular visits to the provinces.
Los observadores, con sede sólo en Puerto Príncipe, hicieron visitas regulares a las provincias.
Also, he had never been deprived of contact with his lawyer and had received regular visits from family members.
Además, nunca se le había privado de contactos con su abogado y había recibido visitas regulares de sus parientes.
By means of regular visits to various institutions (schools, institutions for pupils, social welfare centres, etc.).
Mediante visitas regulares a diversas instituciones (escuelas, instituciones para alumnos, centros de asistencia social, etc.).
There are 8 regular visitations supervisors in the Bedouin sector that promote programs discouraging dropping out of school.
Hay 8 inspectores que realizan visitas regulares al sector beduino para promover programas que desalientan la deserción escolar.
Maybe even regular visits down the road.
Incluso visitas regulares con el tiempo.
So, why would Laura Masters make regular visits to the convent?
Así que, por qué haría Laura Masters visitas regulares al convento?
We will guarantee the safety of your son and will arrange regular visits for you with him.
Le garantizamos la seguridad de su hijo y le arreglaremos visitas regulares.
I've arranged with the warden for you to have regular visits with your daughter.
Arreglé con el director que tengas visitas regulares con tu hija.
Regular visits every four months until last July.
Visitas regulares durante nueve meses hasta el pasado mes de julio.
Because it hasn't stopped you from making regular visits over there.
Debido a que no te ha impedido hacer visitas regulares allí.
Regular visits, food, and so on.
Visitas regulares, comida, etcétera.
She made regular visits to several ATMs in your Boulder City neck of the woods.
Hizo visitas regulares a varios cajeros automáticos por tu zona en Boulder City.
Regular visits in the first couple months, classmates, friends, and then they taper off.
Visitas regulares durante los dos primeros meses, compañeros de clase, amigos, y luego disminuyen.
Regular visits to the doctor.
Realiza visitas regulares al médico.
he means to make a regular visit of it.
Pretende convertirlo en una visita regular.
Of course, they knew about the regular visits of the submarine.
Por supuesto, sabían de las visitas regulares del submarino.
Suppose he had regular visitation rights?
¿Y si hacía valer sus derechos a unas visitas regulares?
he informed them also of his regular visits to paid women.
los informó también de sus visitas regulares a mujeres a las que pagaba.
It would be an ideal excuse to make regular visits to Hogwarts and keep an eye on him.
Sería una excusa ideal para hacer visitas regulares a Hogwarts y tenerlo vigilado.
The only connection between the woman and the dead man was their regular visits to the reading room.
La única relación entre la mujer y el difunto eran sus visitas regulares a la sala de lectura.
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