Translation for "refusal to obey" to spanish
Refusal to obey
Translation examples
He claims, therefore, that his refusal to obey military orders was not punishable by law.
Por consiguiente, alega que su negativa a obedecer órdenes militares no era punible por la ley.
Solitary confinement was a disciplinary measure taken in the event of disorders in the prison or of refusal to obey.
La incomunicación representaba una medida disciplinaria adoptada en caso de alteraciones del orden en la cárcel o de negativa a obedecer.
If the judgment takes the form of an injunction, a refusal to obey the injunction may result in imprisonment for contempt of court.
La negativa a obedecer el fallo de un tribunal puede conducir a la prisión por desacato.
The State party considers it improbable that the Libyan authorities would take so long to act on his refusal to obey them.
El Estado parte considera improbable que las autoridades libias tardaran tanto tiempo en reaccionar a su negativa a obedecer.
Violence is often seen as the "normal" response to any "refusal to obey".
A menudo la violencia se ve como una respuesta "normal" a una "negativa a obedecer".
Refusal to obey orders under these circumstances does not constitute ground for criminal or civil responsibility of the subordinates.
La negativa a obedecer órdenes en esas circunstancias no constituye motivo de responsabilidad penal o civil de los subordinados.
May I remind all of you, refusal to obey a superior officer in a time of war is treason.
quiero recordarles a todos, 330 00:35:44.290 -- 00:35:47.294 negativa a obedecer a un superior en un tiempo de guerra, es traición a la patria.
But, Mr. Rearden, we cannot let a refusal to obey the law pass unnoticed.
—Pero, míster Rearden, no podemos impedir que una negativa a obedecer la ley sea conocida.
Many Communities punished refusal to obey orders—as they saw it—less harshly than they punished what they saw as lying.
Muchas Comunidades castigaban la negativa a obedecer órdenes —según ellas— con menor dureza que cuando consideraban que alguien mentía.
As such, his refusal to obey her repeated order to return to formation constituted defiance of his legal, acting superior to the best of his own, personal knowledge.
Por tanto, su negativa a obedecer sus repetidas órdenes de que regresara a la formación constituye un acto de rebeldía para ese oficial teniendo en cuenta la información de que disponía.
Give him a life sentence and a progressive prison governor and Wilt would drive the man mad within a month by the sweet reasonableness of his refusal to obey the prison rules.
Que le condenasen a cadena perpetua y le encerrasen en una prisión que tuviera un alcaíde progresista, y Wilt le volvería loco al cabo de un mes por la dulce racionalidad de su negativa a obedecer las normas del presidio.
Once the terror of his wedding day had receded, he had tried to explain what he had felt more clearly: his fear of the lord’s cruelty, the consequences for both of them of refusing to obey his orders. Bernat repeated “I’m sorry”
Lejano ya el horror del día de su boda, Bernat había sido capaz de articular explicaciones más extensas: el miedo a la crueldad del señor, las consecuencias que habría comportado su negativa a obedecer, tanto para él mismo como para ella.
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