Translation for "quaintly" to spanish
Translation examples
"You have earned," as our fathers quaintly put it,
"Te lo has ganado", como nuestros padres curiosamente lo pusieron,
When I was detained in '31 for marching in an InVitro rights rally... the bars were still quaintly made out of iron.
Cuando me arrestaron en el 31 por apoyar a los invitro... las rejas todavia eran de hierro, curiosamente.
I was what is quaintly called a love child.
Yo era lo que curiosamente se llama una hija del amor.
This high priest was a real person-a Citizen, as it was so quaintly put.
Ese gran sacerdote era una persona de verdad, un ciudadano, como se decía curiosamente.
Quaintly, as it now seems, Farnell the Rector was giving lessons in the épée and the sabre.
Curiosamente, desde la perspectiva actual, el rector Farnell daba clases de esgrima y sable.
Why, that his wife is, as in our antique way we quaintly put it, with child.
Bueno, pues que su mujer, como curiosamente decimos a nuestro antiguo modo, está encinta.
It is a faded seaport, with slums and tacky modernity crowding the quaintly ruined buildings at its heart.
Es un puerto desvaído, con casas baratas y chabacana modernidad hacinando los curiosamente degradados edificios de su centro.
Various essences, soaps and talcum powders were placed beside each of the two washbasins and quaintly, little sewing kits in embroidered pouches.
Junto a cada uno de los dos lavabos reposaban varias esencias, jabones y polvos de talco y, curiosamente, unos pequeños juegos de costura en bolsitas bordadas.
Min had been left heavily wrapped in bandages, which quaintly mirrored what would happen to a human patient who endured that kind of operation – were it feasible.
A Min lo habían dejado envuelto en abultados vendajes, que curiosamente reflejaban lo que le habría ocurrido a un paciente humano que hubiera sufrido ese tipo de operación…, de ser posible.
These days he seemed to lack the dedication and clarity or emptiness of mind, and the action itself seemed quaintly outmoded and improbable, like lighting a fire by rubbing two sticks.
Aquellos días, al parecer, carecía de la entrega y la claridad o vacuidad de mente necesarias, y el acto mismo se le antojaba curiosamente anticuado y poco viable, como encender un fuego frotando dos palos.
For a little he would have exclaimed: "If it hadn't been for me!" And the transparent innocence of his indignant eyes was underlined quaintly by the arrogant pair of moustaches which he proceeded to twist, and as if extend, horizontally.
Un poco más, y habría exclamado: «¡Si no hubiese estado yo allí!» Y la transparente inocencia de sus indignados ojos se encontraba curiosamente subrayada por sus arrogantes mostachos, que comenzó a retorcer y a estirar horizontalmente.
Havana was jammed with first-rate underpaid singers and musicians like himself and Nestor, island musicians who played arrangements that sounded quaintly archaic next to the big brass American jazz bands like those of Artie Shaw, Fletcher Henderson, and Benny Goodman, who were much in vogue at the time.
La Habana rebosaba de cantantes de primera fila mal pagados y de músicos idénticos a él y a Néstor, músicos isleños que tocaban arreglos con un sabor curiosamente arcaico si se comparaban con los de las grandes orquestas americanas de jazz como las de Artie Shaw, Fletcher Henderson y Benny Goodman, que estaban muy de moda en aquella época.
She didn’t feel she was being unfaithful to Walter when she made Joey laugh at his eccentricities-his teetotaling, his insistence on bicycling to work in blizzards, his defenselessness against bores, his hatred of cats, his disapproval of paper towels, his enthusiasm for difficult theater-because these were all things she herself had learned to love in him, or at least to find quaintly amusing, and she wanted Joey to see Walter her way.
Ella no tenía la sensación de ser desleal con su marido cuando hacía reír a Joey con las excentricidades de Walter —su abstinencia absoluta de alcohol, su insistencia en ir en bicicleta al trabajo en plena ventisca, su indefensión ante los pelmazos, su odio a los gatos, su desaprobación de los rollos de papel de cocina, su entusiasmo por el teatro difícil—, porque todas esas eran cosas que ella misma había aprendido a amar en él, o al menos a encontrar curiosamente divertidas, y quería que Joey viese a Walter como lo veía ella.
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