Translation for "pull it off" to spanish
Translation examples
I might just pull it off.” “Wooden boats?” “To start, yes.
Creo que podría sacarlo adelante. —¿Barcos de madera? —Para empezar, sí.
Mike struggled and yanked and finally pulled it off, feeling sick to his stomach at the wet sounds that accompanied his efforts.
Mike forcejeó para sacarlo, sintiendo que se le revolvía el estómago.
The deception was massive, and it was fragile, and it fell most heavily by far to Ziri to pull it off.
El engaño era inmenso, y era frágil, y Ziri se enfrentaba sin duda a la parte más dura para sacarlo adelante.
Let's pull it off.
Vamos a llevarlo a cabo.
If my team says they can pull it off, they can pull it off.
Si mi equipo dice que pueden llevarlo a cabo, que pueden llevarlo a cabo,
He'll pull it off.
Él va a llevarlo a cabo.
Maybe I'll pull it off.
Tal vez voy a llevarlo a cabo.
Just to pull it off.
Sólo para llevarlo a cabo.
Jack, we can't pull it off.
- Jack, no podemos llevarlo a cabo
If you pull it off, fantastic.
Si llevarlo a cabo, fantástico.
Did I pull it off?
¿He llevarlo a cabo?
...and I pull it off.
... y llevarlo a cabo.
But we’re never going to pull it off.”
Pero jamás lograremos llevarlo a cabo.
And you'd have to have the experience to pull it off."
Además de necesitar experiencia para llevarlo a cabo.
And not just the balls, but the package to pull it off.
Y no solo los huevos, sino la pasta para llevarlo a cabo.
I wasnt entirely positive I could pull it off.
No tenía la absoluta certeza de poder llevarlo a cabo.
To see if I could pull it off. It was quite the challenge.
Por ver si lograba llevarlo a cabo. Fue todo un reto.
Damn it all, he almost hadn't been able to pull it off.
Por todos los diablos, casi le había sido imposible llevarlo a cabo.
That gave me this idea, but of course I needed a little help to pull it off.
Pero, claro, necesitaba un poco de ayuda para llevarla a cabo.
It would be a mammoth journey and he became determined to pull it off.
Sería un viaje colosal y tomó la firme determinación de llevarlo a cabo.
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