Translation for "polyneices" to spanish
Translation examples
if Eteocles was conquered, Polyneices should be king.
si Eteocles resultaba vencido, Polinices sería el rey.
Polyneices had been given burial at the price of his sister’s life;
Polinices había recibido sepultura, pagada con la vida de su hermana;
He had two sons, Polyneices and Eteocles, and two daughters, Antigone and Ismene.
Eran dos chicos, Polinices y Eteocles, y dos chicas, Antígona e Ismene.
Polyneices could murmur a few words: “My brother, my enemy, but loved, always loved.
Polinices consiguió murmurar unas palabras: «Mi hermano, mi enemigo amado, amado siempre.
But this duty, Creon’s proclamation said, was changed in the cause of Polyneices to a crime. He who buried him would be put to death.
Pero esta obligación, ante la proclama de Creonte, se había convertido en un delito: quien enterrara a Polinices sería castigado con la muerte.
Brilliantly, Stätte glances at the very theme of Sophocles’ drama, Grabstätte, the place of burial denied to Polyneices.
Brillantemente, Stätte alude al tema mismo del drama de Sófocles, la Grabstätte, el lugar de enterramiento negado a Polinices.
Some hours later, Creon in the palace was startled by a shout, “Against your orders Polyneices has been buried.”
Unas horas después, un grito sobresaltaba el palacio de Creonte. —¡Polinices ha sido enterrado contraviniendo tus órdenes!
Polyneices had been joined by six chieftains, one of them the King of Argos, Adrastus, and another Adrastus’ brother-in-law, Amphiaraus.
A Polinices se le habían unido seis mandatarios, uno de ellos el rey de Argos, Adrasto, y otro el yerno de Adrasto, Anfiarao.
Polyneices, the one who attacked it, had the better right to it, but the younger, Eteocles, was fighting for Thebes, to save her from capture.
Polinices, el atacante, defendía su derecho a la corona, mientras que el joven, Eteocles, luchaba por Tebas, para salvarla de la conquista.
Eteocles should be honored with every rite that the noblest received at death, but Polyneices should be left for beasts and birds to tear and devour.
Eteocles debía ser honrado con todos los ritos que reciben los nobles a su muerte, pero el cuerpo de Polinices se dejaría a merced de las bestias y las aves, para que lo hicieran pedazos y lo devoraran.
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