Translation for "pierced through" to spanish
Translation examples
The nomad fell from his horse, pierced through the eye.
El nómada cayó de su montura, con un ojo atravesado.
Korak started as though pierced through the heart with an arrow.
Korak dio un respingo como si una flecha le hubiese atravesado el corazón.
His heart cramped in his chest, as though pierced through by a spear.
Le dolía el corazón, como si un golpe de lanza se lo hubiera atravesado.
Four of them stumbled and then lay motionless on the ground, pierced through by numerous shafts.
Cuatro de ellos tropezaron y se quedaron inmóviles en el suelo, atravesados por incontables flechas.
Helt had fallen in the gatehouse, his body pierced through by sword and pike.
Helt había caído ante la puerta levadiza y tenía el cuerpo atravesado por numerosas espadas y lanzas.
He lay without further movement, pierced through his evil heart, and killed instantly.
Permaneció inmóvil, con su maligno corazón atravesado, muerto al instante.
I was struck down at the Shrine, pierced through the body, yet I have no scar.
fui herido gravemente en el santuario, atravesado por una lanza, y sin embargo no tengo ninguna cicatriz.
One man, his shoulder pierced through, was staggering back towards the crest of the hill.
Un hombre, con el hombro atravesado por una flecha, bajaba de nuevo por la cuesta tambaleándose.
Horned, half naked beastmen screamed and stumbled, pierced through by the deadly bolts.
Hombres bestia carnosos y medio desnudos gritaron y tropezaron, atravesados por mortíferas flechas.
His nose was pierced through one nostril and a hoop threaded his lower lip.
Su nariz fue perforada a través de una fosa nasal y un aro enroscó su labio inferior.
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