Translation for "perfect being" to spanish
Perfect being
Translation examples
This man can only come from the union of two perfect beings.
Este sersolo pudersurgir de la unión de dos seres perfectos.
I constructed a perfect being.
Construí un ser perfecto.
The perfect being cannot be divided!
¡El ser perfecto no puede dividirse!
A child born from two perfect beings!
¡Un niño nacido de dos seres perfectos!
He tried to create the perfect being... with no badness, no greed.
Trataba de crear un ser perfecto... ¡sin maldad y sin ganancia!
Once we were all this perfect being.
Una vez que todos éramos este ser perfecto.
- Because you're a perfect being, Vixen.
- Porque eres un ser perfecto, Vixen.
Maybe we're not perfect beings, but we built a better town!
quizas no somos seres perfectos, pero construiremos una mejor pueblo!
But you cannot have two perfect beings.
No pueden haber dos seres perfectos.
I prefer "farming" the perfect being.
Yo prefiero "cultivar" el ser perfecto.
Doubtless she had the wisdom of perfect beings.
Sin duda ella tenía la sabiduría de los seres perfectos.
A perfect being wouldn't do it, he thought.
Un ser perfecto no lo haría, pensaba.
“This perfect person,” the professor read. “This perfect being…”
—Esta persona perfecta —leyó el profesor—, este ser perfecto
FINK: We all dream of the perfect being that man could be.
FINK .—Todos soñamos con el ser perfecto que el hombre podría ser.
For us disciples of Aristotle and St. Thomas, it is the highest of all concepts: perfect being.
Para nosotros, discípulos de Aristóteles y de Santo Tomás, el más elevado de todos los conceptos es el ser perfecto.
The cause of this is not so much an envy of the perfect being as a suspicion that he must be inhuman;
Y la causa es no tanto la envidia hacia ese ser perfecto como la sospecha de que se trate de un ser inhumano;
Before God, the perfect being, all beings—not excluding angels and men—are defective. Their “defect”
Frente a Dios, que es el ser perfecto, todos los seres —sin excluir a los ángeles a los hombres— son defectuosos.
No, for those few months she had become the perfect being and I didn’t think it fair to ruin that.
No, durante aquellos pocos meses se había convertido en un ser perfecto y no me parecía justo echar por tierra esa reputación.
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