Translation for "people are sick" to spanish
Translation examples
If our people fall sick, they don't look after then, they just leave them to their fate.
Si nuestra gente se enferma, no se hacen responsables, los dejan nomás abandonados a su suerte.
Normal people get sick easier.
La gente normal enferma con mayor facilidad.
This place is sick—these people are sick—and you know it.
Este sitio está enfermo, esta gente está enferma, y tú lo sabes.
He had never before seen people so sick.
Nunca había visto a gente tan enferma.
Yeah, people were sick and he was tired of the Judases around him.
Sí, la gente estaba enferma y él estaba cansado de los Judas a su alrededor.
“I mean, besides Randall, we haven’t seen any signs people are sick.”
Bueno, aparte de Randall, no hemos visto nada que indique que la gente esté enferma.
My people are sick, insane, they’re burning their own huts, they don’t have any food.
Mi gente está enferma, demente, están quemando sus propias chozas y no tienen comida.
"You people are sick," Retta said, grateful that at least in here there were no reminders of her father.
—Esta gente está enferma —dijo Retta, sintiéndose agradecida de que allí, por lo menos, no hubiera nada que le recordara a su padre.
“When the plague came to Edinburgh and people fell sick, the healthy were so afraid of the ill that sometimes they buried them before they were dead.”
—Cuando la peste llegó a Edimburgo y la gente cayó enferma, los sanos tenían tanto miedo de los enfermos que, a veces, los sepultaban antes de que estuvieran muertos.
He explained how important Sinan’s scheme was for the city and how many people – old, sick, frail and poor – would pray for the Sultan every time they quenched their thirst.
Comentó lo importante que era el plan de Sinan para la ciudad y cuánta gente —ancianos, enfermos, débiles y pobres— rezaría por el sultán cada vez que apagara su sed.
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