Translation for "own lights" to spanish
Translation examples
"She shines with her own light," he said.
"Ella brilla con luz propia", dijo.
But planets didn't shine by their own light the way the sun does.
Pero los planetas no brillaban con luz propia como el Sol.
They might use chemicals in their skin to generate their own light as many deep sea creatures do back home.
Tal vez utilicen los químicos de su piel para generar luz propia de la misma forma que lo hacen los habitantes de las profundidades del océano
A remotely controlled mini-camera on wheels with its own lights.
Una cámara a control remota con ruedas y luces propias.
The next emperor will be French but England will leave for the posterity works which will make it shine with its own light.
El próximo emperador será francés, pero Inglaterra dejará para la posteridad obras que la harán brillar con luz propia.
Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen and helium, just like the sun and had Jupiter been a few dozen times more massive the matter in it might have undergone thermonuclear reactions in the interior and Jupiter would have begun to shine by its own light.
Júpiter es básicamente de hidrógeno y helio, como el Sol. Si Júpiter hubiera tenido unas docenas más de masa, su materia en el interior podría haber sufrido reacciones termonucleares y habría empezado a brillar con luz propia. Júpiter es una estrella fracasada...
They emit their own light.
Brillan con luz propia.
“When something makes its own light.”
—Es cuando algo irradia luz propia.
they glowed gently, as if they existed in their own light.
brillaban levemente, como si tuvieran luz propia.
The colors were vivid, glowing with their own light.
Los colores eran intensos, brillaban con luz propia.
Suddenly a sword flashed in its own light.
De repente una espada destelló con luz propia.
In a thousand years it’ll be shining by its own light.
En unos mil años alumbrará con luz propia.
The great circle gleamed with its own light like the face of the moon.
Resplandecía con luz propia como la cara de la luna.
The tree seemed to glow with its own light, a surrounding aura.
El árbol parecía emitir luz propia, un aura circundante.
It reflects solar radiation, which is different; it emits its own light.
Refleja la radiación solar, que es distinto, emite su luz propia.
You'll have your own light.
Tendrás tu propia luz.
There are beings that give off their own light.
Hay seres que emiten su propia luz.
"By a woman, swathed in her own light"
"Por una mujer, encuelta en su propia luz"
I saw bodies glowing with their own light.
Vi cuerpos brillando con su propia luz.
It doesn't have its own light.
No tiene su propia luz.
God put his very own light into that little angel.
Dios puso su propia luz en ese pequeño ángel.
And each of us must turn on his own light.
Y cada uno de nosotros tiene que encender su propia luz.
Can the producers of consciousness consume their own light?
¿Pueden los productores de conciencia consumir su propia luz?
You have your own light.
Tienes tu propia luz.
Be your own light".
Sean su propia luz".
“You are your own light.”
Tú eres tu propia luz.
It generates its own light.
Genera su propia luz.
She moved in her own light.
Ella se movía a través de su propia luz.
The line possesses its own light.
La raya posee su propia luz.
You have to have your own light.
Conviene tener tu propia luz.
In this way, your own light will quickly grow stronger.
Tu propia luz pronto se fortalecerá.
Your own light can be difficult to distinguish.
Puede costarte distinguir tu propia luz.
The camp was plainly visible by its own lights.
El campamento era claramente visible por sus propias luces.
It glowed sumptuously as if it generated its own light.
Esta resplandecía suntuosamente, como si generase su propia luz.
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