Translation for "occupied them" to spanish
Occupied them
Translation examples
Be glad they have him to occupy them until morning.
Alégrate de que lo tengan a él para mantenerlos ocupados toda la noche.
It occupied them until lunch, and then all afternoon.
La tarea los tuvo ocupados hasta la hora de comer, y luego toda la tarde.
Raidriar was only a few steps away by now. “To occupy them,” he said.
Estaba a apenas unos pasos de él. —Para mantenerlos ocupados —dijo—.
Her hands were in constant motion, searching for something to occupy them.
No paraba de mover las manos, buscando desesperadamente algo que las mantuviera ocupadas.
Trevindor’s mind reeled as he tried to imagine the creatures that must have occupied them.
La mente de Trevindor giró en torbellino al tratar de imagi­narse las criaturas que debieron haberlos ocupado.
Those who had occupied them had felt the need of drawing together to talk in low voices.
Aquellos que los habían ocupado habían sentido la necesidad de acercarse para hablar en voz baja.
The old and the children were also enrolled in it, occupying them in less tiring jobs, in the preparation of lime and in the transport of scrap.
Los ancianos y los niños también eran inscritos y ocupados en las labores menos pesadas, como la preparación de la cal y el transporte de los escombros.
Sitting in those hard plastic chairs, we’d wear the same tight faces as the people who had previously occupied them.
Sentados en aquellas sillas de plástico duro, se nos ponía la misma cara seria de quienes las habían ocupado previamente.
But she was grateful that they'd gotten sidetracked onto the stories about faithful old family servants that occupied them for the rest of the meal.
Pero se alegró de que se hubiesen desviado hacia comentarios sobre los fieles y viejos servidores domésticos, tema que las tuvo ocupadas durante el resto del desayuno.
But despite the anticipation of the sunrise, his thoughts remained on the serious matter which had occupied them through the night.
Pero, pese a la expectación que le producía la salida del sol, sus pensamientos siguieron ocupados en el mismo asunto grave en que llevaba cavilando toda la noche.
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