Translation for "nocturnally" to spanish
Translation examples
Malacia's gongfermors were at their nocturnal work, emptying privies.
Como todas las noches, los gongofermos de Malacia estaban vaciando las letrinas.
Mrs Fossen was just putting her chihuahua out for its nocturnal pee when she was confronted by a masked figure wearing an overcoat from which protruded the biggest you-know-what she’d ever seen in her life.
Fossen iba a sacar a su chihuahua a la calle para que echase su meada de todas las noches, cuando se vio enfrentada a una figura enmascarada que llevaba un abrigo del que asomaba la mayor yame-entiende-usted que hubiera visto en su vida.
So they let her continue her solitary labors, taking care of the boys. She stayed alone every night, watching them go off as soon as Venus, the evening star, rose; early in the morning, after her rest, she reappeared at the wattle fence, when Venus was the last light to retire from the sky and the boys returned from their nocturnal roamings.
Se le dejaba hacer sus labores solitarias, cuidar de los muchachos y quedarse sola todas las noches, viéndolos alejarse al aparecer la estrella de Venus, la primera de la noche, y tras de su reposo, reaparecer en la barda muy de mañana cuando la estrella de Venus era la última en retirarse y los muchachos regresaban de sus correrías nocturnas.
he was convinced that the neighbors around his farm, who had always been on bad terms with him, dug up his mother by night and came to throw her resilient cadaver in his own well, to bury it under his manure pile, to toss it into the trough of his pigsty, or, covered with hay, to stretch it out under the muzzles of the cows; he lay quaking until dawn from their horrible nocturnal labor that made the doors creak, the dogs bark, the wind rise;
estaba comprobado para él que los vecinos de su granja, peleados con él desde siempre, desenterraban todas las noches a su madre y venían a echar el cadáver que no acababa de morir en su propio pozo, a meterlo debajo del estiércol, a verterlo como comida en los bebederos de su porqueriza o bien a ponerlo, cubierto de heno, debajo del hocico de las vacas: se estremecía hasta el alba por el horrible trabajo nocturno que hacía rechinar las puertas, ladrar a los perros, soplar el viento;
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