Translation for "many-flowered" to spanish
Translation examples
A parade, many tears, and many flowers.
Un desfile, muchas lágrimas, y muchas flores.
We have many flowers are needed.
Necesitamos muchas flores.
I don't get many flowers.
Yo... no tengo muchas flores, pero...
We got so many flowers mom. People thought you died.
Tenemos muchas flores.
- Were there many flowers at the funeral?
- ¿Había muchas flores en el funeral?
This house has so many flowers.
Esta casa tiene muchas flores.
There are so many flowers around.
Hay mucha flor por aquí.
It is a garden of many flowers, Moses.
Es un jardín con muchas flores.
There are many flowers in this bouquet.
Hay muchas flores en ese ramo.
Many flowers. She’d landed in a garden.
Muchas flores. Acababa de aterrizar en un jardín.
I have seen many flowers there, and even some palms.
He visto muchas flores allí, e incluso algunas palmeras.
He put one on hand on one of the many flowers that adorned it and pressed quickly.
Puso la mano en una de las muchas flores que la adornaban e hizo presión.
There were many flowers, baskets of fruit, candy boxes, best sellers.
Había muchas flores, cestas de frutas, cajas de golosinas, best sellers.
As usual, there were many flowers in the Valley, but who eats carnations or calla lilies?
Había, como siempre en el Valle, muchas flores, pero ¿quién comía clavel y alcatraz?
There were a great many flowers about the place and the air was heavy with the heady scent of white lilies.
Había muchas flores, y el embriagador aroma de las azucenas impregnaba el aire.
He had seen altogether too many flowers blossom and wither in his seven centuries.
Había visto nacer y marchitarse muchas flores a lo largo de los siglos;
The house was empty in spite of its warmth and the many flowers arranged in the magnificence of the vistas.
La casa estaba vacía a despecho de la tibieza de su ambiente y de las muchas flores, magníficamente arregladas.
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