Translation for "made acquaintance" to spanish
Made acquaintance
Translation examples
She had made acquaintances in the new town but had been unwilling to befriend anyone;
Había hecho algunos conocidos en la ciudad, pero era reacia a entablar amistad con nadie.
– I have made acquaintance with Mr Macartney, and he has promised to call upon me to-morrow about three o’clock.’
—Sí, he conocido al señor Macartney y ha prometido venir a verme mañana sobre las tres[68].
though, had I been sooner made acquainted with her family, I should, doubtless, have better known how to have secured it.
no obstante, si hubiese conocido antes de qué familia procede, sin duda habría sabido asegurarlo mejor.
In the days when he kept a pair of shotguns and accepted invitations to spend a day shooting pheasant and partridge he had made acquaintance with over a dozen of these home-owners.
En la época en que guardaba un par de escopetas y aceptaba invitaciones para pasar el día cazando faisanes y perdices, había conocido a más de una docena de propietarios de esas fincas.
Moreover, that silver, which would never have come down if her husband had been made acquainted with the news brought  by  Decoud, had been in a roundabout way nearly the cause of Dr. Monygham's death.
Además, aquella plata, que nunca hubiera bajado al puerto en el caso de haber conocido su esposo las noticias traídas por Decoud, por una combinación de extrañas vicisitudes había estado a punto de ocasionar la muerte al doctor Monygham.
The phenomenon of this ivory-armoured warrior aroused questions that intrigued his interest to a far greater extent than did the problems that had brought him thus far from his own stamping grounds, and he decided that the latter should wait the solving of the riddle that his new-made acquaintance presented.
El fenómeno de este guerrero de armadura de marfil despertaba inquietudes que le intrigaban más que los problemas que le habían llevado tan lejos de su terreno, y decidió que esto último podía esperar hasta que resolviera el enigma de este aparente anacronismo que su nuevo conocido presentaba.
Mrs Selwyn was very eager to know how I had made acquaintance with this nobleman, whose manners so evidently announced the character of a confirmed libertine: I could give her very little satisfaction, as I was ignorant even of his name. But, in the afternoon, Mr Ridgeway the apothecary, gave us very ample information.
La señora Selwyn estaba muy ansiosa por saber cómo había conocido a aquel caballero cuyos modales denotaban un carácter libertino; apenas he podido satisfacerla pues ignoraba incluso su nombre, pero esa misma tarde, el señor Ridgeway, el boticario, nos informó ampliamente.
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